Silberstein, Avraham

Silberstein, Avraham

Avraham ben Asher and Hilda was born on the 2nd of Av, July 15, 1923 in Warsaw, Poland. From a young age he was loyal to the Zionist idea and was a member of Hashomer Hatzair. In 1947, during the struggle for the state, on his way to Israel he married Tzila and was accepted to a training program at Kibbutz Mesilot in the Beit Shean Valley, where their first daughter was born. In 1951 he swore to the Israel Defense Forces, nd since then, spent many periods of active duty in the reserves. He was assigned to the infantry corps and underwent a variety of courses until he was released from the armyin 1964. In 1974 he was sent back to the Haganah. Avraham died on the 23rd of Iyar, May 23, 1976. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Lod at 53 years old, and left behind a wife, two children, two brothers and a sister .

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