Silberman, Silvio
Ben Rita and Mandy. He was born in Romania on August 26, 1970. In 1973, at the age of two, he immigrated to Israel with his parents and they settled in Be’er Sheva, where he grew up and was educated. He began to study at the Tomer elementary school and continued in the fourth high school and completed his studies at the external school in the clerk’s house in the theoretical track. Silvio was tall and everyone called him red because of the color of his red hair. A sporty, intelligent and very talented guy, he excelled in many fields: computer, languages, sports, and especially basketball. He devoted a great deal of love to the animals he raised, dogs and fish, served in the Civil Guard, loved traveling in Israel and especially toured the Judean Desert and the Negev. Upon receiving his driver’s license, he fell in love with a car he received from his mother and devoted most of his time to caring for and caring for the car. The vehicle was the love of his life, but it was a fatal love, and his death was found in the same vehicle. At the age of seventeen Silvio was orphaned from his father, whom he loved and admired. Silvio was drafted into military service in early September 1989 and served as a combat engineer in combat engineering. Silvio was killed during his service in a traffic accident on the Be’er Sheva-Dimona road on 7 November 1989. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva and left behind a mother and sister, Miri, in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family. The unit that Silvio “radiated vitality and motivation, he supported and helped the backward, helped new immigrants, in the spirit of saying ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’, especially helped young people who immigrated from Ethiopia. His last wish was to invite a new immigrant to stay at his home. “