Shuruki (Churki), Shimon

Shuruki (Churki), Shimon

Son of Zilpa and Shabtai was born in Jerusalem in 1915. He worked as a porter in the Mahaneh Yehuda market and later became one of the defenders of his neighborhood, Givat Shaul, and was known as a brave boy with a deep awareness of self-defense. R. During the bloody riots of 1936 and the large Arab strike, he was sent to guard posts in Zichron Ya’akov and Pardesi Binyamina. Here, too, he stood out as a bold young man and always willing to volunteer for any mission. Riding on a horse, he would pass through the seven-kilometer orchards, guard and warn against ambushes by the Arab gangs, but he cultivated contacts, even friendships, with the surrounding Arabs. He knew their language and way of life, and they invited him to their “hafliot” and were Simcha to have them in their homes. As an outstanding rider, he took part in horse races that were held in the vicinity from time to time. The sound of his noble mare came to many, and some cheered it for themselves. On 9/9/38, when he rode in the orchards, he dismounted to help one of the workers in the orchard and two Arabs who had lurked there jumped on the mare and drove her to the sand dunes.Simon did not wait for the help of his friends and went out alone to look for the mare, He was killed by one of the Arabs of Abu Dura’s gang, and the murderer brought Shimon’s horse and his rifle as a guide, and he was killed by one of the Arabs of Abu Dura’s gang. To the leader of the gang, whose name was mentioned in various books, and an investigative report on the circumstances of his disappearance and his death was published in the newspaper Yerushalmi “all city”. In the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, the missing patch was erected in his memory.

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