Shurtzman, Israel (Sota)

Shurtzman, Israel (Sota)

Son of Pua and Pinchas, was born on December 19, 1929 in Tel Aviv. Even at a young age he excelled in a special perception and memory, with rare talent for numbers and a strong desire to read and review books. At about the age of seven, he was able to multiply large numbers by repeating the entire order of generations according to the Old and New Testaments, from Adam to Jesus, straight and backward, because of his talents, A sharp analysis of science and society, he joined the Scouts movement and at age 15-16 was in the youth group that was to join the ranks of the Palmach when the time came. In the spring of 1947 he completed his studies at the Gymnasium and went with his friends to the Negev to help with the leaving of the water pipe, and returned to work at Kibbutz Sarid a few weeks later. Poor families. Immediately after the Sukkot holiday, he went on a training course in the Upper Galilee and then joined the Palmach and served in the Yiftah Brigade, and he did not mention the dangers he faced in his letters, and he was always calm and eager to see his parents and relatives. In his letter to his parents after this battle, Yosha wrote in his letter to Metula on May 16, 1948. He wrote it after he successfully participated in the conquest of Safed and several subsequent operations, and this was the first and only time Who wrote about his participation in the battle and the letter is all about exaltation and deep satisfaction A few days later, his parents learned that on May 18, 1948, he was sent with his platoon as reinforcements to the Syrian fighting forces in the Jordan Valley, and the following night, on May 19, 1948, Which fell into the hands of the Syrians. The force managed to conquer a building near the police, but when he approached the police building itself, heavy fire opened fire on him and he was forced to withdraw. In this battle fell. He was brought to rest in the Kinneret cemetery.

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