Shraga, Yitzhak (Itzik)

Shraga, Yitzhak (Itzik)

Yitzhak (Itzik), son of Esther and Moshe, was born on May 30, 1951, in Rehovot. He studied at the Third Mamlachti Elementary School in Ramle and at the Haim Nachman Bialik School in Tel Aviv. Afterward he continued his studies at the “Shevach” high school for fine mechanics, and at the Gordon School in Tel Aviv. Yitzhak lost his father when he was nine years old. Yitzhak and his sister did as much as they could to help their mother, He even had to miss the time he wanted to spend with friends to help his mother. Yitzhak was pleasant, courteous polite and kind. He always welcomed everyone and was willing to help his friends, listen to them, and help them with advice. From his youth, he was meticulous in everything he did, and his teachers praised him more than once for his precision and diligence. He used to read a lot and was interested in various fields of literature, adventure literature, science books, and technical books. Having a special memory, he remembered books he had read in detail. All his life he had been a good son and devoted to his mother, loved her very much, respected her wishes and made sure she was well. Yitzhak was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early February 1970 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, where he was trained in a field unit and assigned to a field unit, and his friends and commanders saw him as a good soldier who was responsible for his job. , And never complained about the training or the difficult field of life, so he wont upset his mom. In the Yom Kippur War, Yitzhak participated in the activities of his unit during the fighting on the Sinai front On October 11, 1973, on the afternoon of the 9th of Tishrei, Where the “Mars” axis in the central sector, and he was killed on the spot, he was brought to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. Reports. After falling promoted to Sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Yitzhak was an outstanding and devoted soldier, very fond of his commanders and subordinates and was an example for his subordinates, his devotion, and his behavior”

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