Shraga, Ephraim (Freddy)

Shraga, Ephraim (Freddy)

Born in Bucharest, Romania, on December 2, 1919, son of Hanna and Haim-David graduated from a high school, underwent pioneering training on an agricultural farm and in 1939 immigrated to Israel and joined a group that later settled in the Nitzanim group. He loved the work of the land, but did not refrain from any other work, and worked in the work battalions in the orchards, the fortifications of the northern border, the Haifa Bay, Tel Nof, etc. Finally he settled with his group in Nitzanim, calling Lev and soul to Adam and the land, to the flora and fauna And the development of a drink.In the outbreak of the War of Independence following the UN General Assembly resolution on the partition of the land, he defended the group with courage and devotion against the Arab gangs and later against the turtle Egyptian regulated, and encouraged his belief in our victory, the victory of human tool-destroyer. After the progress of the Egyptian column near Ashdod was halted, Kibbutz Nitzanim remained behind. The Egyptians understood that this point could serve as a basis for the activity of our forces in the rear and therefore concentrated considerable force in order to conquer it. The Egyptian attack was launched on June 7, 1948. In the early hours of the night, the agriculture was severely shelled, and in the morning the infantry assault began, but this was stopped by the defenders. The Egyptians increased the shelling and even activated planes that bombed the agriculture and caused heavy damage. Under this cover, Egyptian infantry and armored forces advanced and managed to penetrate the agriculture and take control of it. In this battle he fell on the 29th of Iyar 5708 (7.6.1948) and was brought to rest in the cemetery in the group. His memory was included in the booklet “Nitzanim under siege and in battle”.

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