Shoval, Tsafrir

Shoval, Tsafrir

Son of Malka and Nissim. Zafrir grew up in Kibbutz Baram, where he studied for six years in elementary school, and in seventh grade he went to study, together with all his peers, at the comprehensive Anne Frank Comprehensive High School, In the tenth grade, Zafrir expressed his desire to study mechanics, and the cars had occupied him since childhood, and he invested great energy in getting to know the car in all its parts and sacrifices, but the curriculum of the Sasa school did not include this profession, “Hula Valley” in Kfar Blum, he studied in the automotive mechanics track and graduated with honors, and his final project was the reconstruction of a tractor, which was a scrap, and Tsafrir turned it into a tool that travels and performs And operations. As a child, was withdrawn and introverted Zephyr. He loved animals and especially dogs, love to hear stories and could have sat huddled for hours and listen to stories. At the end of November 1994 he joined the army and was assigned Marshmallow Golani Brigade. After a short period, Tsafrir moved to the Ordnance Corps and served as a tank mechanic. He spent most of his service in Lebanon at the Beaufort outpost, where he acquired new friends. Zafrir was highly respected by everyone who knew him, from the simple soldier to the division commander. He volunteered for missions even when he did not have to participate. He had an attentive ear for many people and was willing to help anyone. On the evening of the 28th of Shvat 577 (February 4, 1997), the helicopter disaster occurred. Two Yasur helicopters collided over Moshav Shear Yashuv, and the seventy-three fighters, who made their way to operational activity in Lebanon, were killed. Tsafrir also fell. He was only twenty-two years old when he fell. He was brought to rest in Kibbutz Baram. Survived by his parents and six brothers and sisters – Revital, Yizhar, Ziv, Gadi, Orly and Benny. After his death, Tzafrir was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. After Zafrir’s fall, three hundred youth songs were found in his room, which Zafrir wrote for several years, dealing with love, loneliness, hope, friendship and death. The songs reveal a sensitive and painful soul, which seeks understanding and connection to the world and to human beings. Many of the songs were dedicated to family, friends and friends. Of all the songs that were found, forty-five representative songs were selected, which appeared in a small, modest book. The collection of poems published is not a memorial book, but a spiritual and spiritual profile of a young soldier and a kibbutznik who fell on his way to a mission in Lebanon. In one of the songs, Tsafrir wrote: “It is always easy to give up, to give up / to stop, to stop, to close my eyes / to say to myself: I can not / and this is for me so great. , I contributed, I believed in myself, / It’s me standing here, no other / it’s me! ” On the anniversary of Tsafrir’s fall, Kibbutz Baram published a booklet in his memory. The booklet contains articles and lists written about Tzafrir. The commander of the unit wrote to the family: “Tsafrir began his service as a rearguard, but he insisted on arriving at a forward post, and there he felt satisfaction in his work – an instructive example of motivation and a genuine desire to contribute … Throughout the way he never complained, always smiled and raised their spirits Of the other soldiers. ” (This page is part of the Yizkor memorial project held by the Ministry of Defense)

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