Shomroni, Nir

Shomroni, Nir

The eldest son of Eliza and Amir. He was born on the 16th of Adar 5742 (16.3.1982) in Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra. First grandson of Aviva and Amos, an older brother to Ohad, Maya and Eran. Nir studied at the elementary school in Rosh Hanikra and in the regional high school “Sulam Tzur” in a real direction. Nir loved physics and computers and excelled in literature and Bible studies. He was a counselor in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement in Rosh Hanikra and was a member of the “Choice Group,” in which he traveled to Berlin as a 10th grade student and maintained contact with the German youth and his counselors all his life. And the splendor of the work he had raised in his life, but his Lev was not high. A rare combination of wisdom, sensitivity, generosity and kindness. Nir loved literature, read original English literature. He loved special music, played the guitar and was considered a musical authority in the eyes of his friends. Touched people, young children, adults and his age at real depths. He loved children’s books until his last day and recited “The Little Prince”, “Winnie the Pooh” and “Elyakma” by Lev. Nir had a collection of hundreds of CDs (including all the Nirvana songs) and he also collected stones from Israel and around the world. Prior to his enlistment he served in a year of service in the Malchisua youth rehabilitation village. Nir loved to travel the country and the sites of the world and toured the world alone. In January 2002, Nir enlisted in the Israel Air Force and successfully completed a pilot training course at the end of which he was assigned to the “Pilim” squadron, a Hercules squadron. (30.1.2004), while traveling with his girlfriend, Nir fell to his death on one of the walking paths, the black path of the Nature and Parks Authority at the foot of the Keshet Cave in the Western Galilee. Nir, an air force pilot who loved heights, fell to the abyss. Lieutenant Nir Shomroni was laid to rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra and is twenty-two years old. Survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister. In the heritage room at its base, the squadron prepared a presentation to commemorate it. Half a year after the fall of Nir, his classmates prepared to remember his playing on the tape. In memory of Nir was established in Adamit Park, near the place where he died, the “Pine Observation Point”, which was inaugurated on January 30, 2005, the anniversary of his fall. Gilo Shilo, Nir’s high school teacher, writes: “It hurts so much that words can not express the pain, the words can not describe who you were in adolescence, who is so egocentric, you had the rare ability to see the other, Full of warmth and the ability to make meaningful connections with adults as well as you and your contemporaries, you had a combination of incredible skills and real modesty. “And you could not help but see your wisdom and mind. You were the so-called Renaissance Man. Your interests and love varied from music to Nirvana to guitar and to physics and literature in English and Hebrew. You have generously distributed your assets to the present day, rolling in the school and serving future generations. And you did not make an interest in yourself and your successes. You were so expensive. “Phil Barnea, Nir’s high school teacher, eulogized his grave at the end of the shiva:” Smart, clever, handsome, kind, lively, curious, musician, and above all, Use them to describe you, Nir. If I had said those words to you, you would have blushed and told me to relax. But what to do, so you and so always will remember you. It’s only a shame that in such a sad and heartbreaking situation I tell you how I feel about you. I met you for the first time on the ladder of Tzur, a young boy who came to an evening with parents, teachers and students and was barefoot. The school principal at the time, Zvika Zmora, asked me to tell you quietly that in our school we do not go barefoot. tagAnd your daughter was so typical of you-evening activity is outside school hours, so you may be barefoot. Your answer bought me and from that moment a friendship developed between an old Englishman and a young sabra, born on that day 30 years apart. The days in junior high and your enthusiasm for the “Macintosh” computers that the class received were a special experience for me and I am sure that for you too. You were a member of a group of computer freaks, many of whom are here today. You would come to the computer room every day, work, practice guitar, talk about cars, computers, music, and mostly slander Microsoft and Bill Gates. You would bring music CDs from different bands and try to educate the ‘old man’ about what music is good for. You were always cheerful with a wider smile than your face. You were clever and intelligent with a sharp sense of humor, and you always knew how to ask the difficult questions. In order to find the answers, I had to work hard. Even when you have completed your studies in the Tzur scale, the relationship is maintained. You would call with questions about Mac computers, we would meet at the Valley when you came to visit friends. We always found the time to exchange a few words. When you enlisted and went to an aviation course, I was concerned that the military framework would change quite a bit of your special character, but throughout the service I would remain Nir-Haiman, a caring person, a thinker, a friend and simply a ‘human being’. The last time we met was at school a few weeks ago. You were wearing a pilot uniform with the officer’s hat on your head. I laughed at you and told you how funny you look with the ‘success’ on your head. We laughed together and parted. If I knew then what I know today … there is a tendency when you lose a friend, praise him and perhaps turn him into something he was not exactly. But, for me, for your many friends and especially for your family, there are not enough words in the world to describe what a person you were. Nir, my friend, I am remorseful that I never told you how special you are, how much you have contributed to me and all those around you. How special and important you were to me. I did not imagine that I would stand in this place and I would have to say those words and it hurts me very much. There was a black hole in our hearts that would never melt. Your smile, your humanity will accompany us everywhere. Our world is a darker, empty place without you. And we already miss you. “Leon Gershovitz, Nir’s friend, writes:” Nir, you went so suddenly without saying goodbye. You were always a loyal pilot, one of the best in the Israel Defense Forces, and you had a brilliant future … You were a man of action with many verbs and you can not Was to remain indifferent to you, to stick to those around you with your welcome qualities, your caring, your desire for excellence, your simple evil values, a combination of the basic qualities with which one must move forward: love, honesty and courage. , To our country and to man at all, so I remember you – always willing to help someone else in distress.Always stand in his right hand in any situation where you were required. A true joy in every casual meeting, with a handshake and a pat on the back, rarely even in a strong embrace, in a simple conversation without a barrier, in caring for the suffering of a friend and willing to lend a helping hand in times of distress. Perhaps not in terms of those who acquire exclusive loyalty to the Land of Israel … But you loved the country with great love, landscapes, its heritage and its diverse human landscape, and so you loved to travel everywhere in the country. You also found your death while you were traveling. The land of the NativityAnd tomorrow my country’s clods will cover you … For me you were like a brother – it’s no secret to you. For me you were the embodiment of the real Sabra, that too is not a secret. You were both a model and a test for me, and so I always saw you as a model and a model and sometimes a compass and a conscience. I was really proud of the courageous friendship between us (even today …) which was above all differences of opinion between us (and there were quite a few). You were to me the embodiment of the Yaffa Land of Israel. You knew how to stand the truth without fear, and if, in the name of truth, you had to leave (respectfully and respectfully, as you always did) against your friends, you did it without thinking twice. You had a kind of natural leadership. I mean, you’ve never seen yourself properly lead and lead, but many people, certainly me, were willing to go with you and after you with fire and water and where necessary. We trusted you with your eyes closed. “It’s strange, but I remember that after the death of my late grandfather Mori, we talked about death and bereavement, and I mentioned that I did not like how my grandfather was eulogized. I said at the time, and we are in the army, in the Rabin pre-military academy and in Malkishua, that if I am killed in the army, you will eulogize me, but now everything is the other way around … For a moment I am not leaving the thought of the stupidity of your death, , Not to mention not in the face of the enemy … injustice so terrible … and again I have the thought that the best people are going, while we stay here to cry and learn … A tremendous legacy you have left behind, my dear brother, and at least it obliges me! Tears choke my throat and rise in my eyes! And the sea and the sunset create the most Yaffa landscape in the world now, but in a few minutes it will be dark … Eretz Yisrael says a night eulogy song, it calls you Nir and you do not hear, and you do not see, and you are not with us anymore, Only a weeping Lev left behind you, crying and asking: Where are you, Nir, where are you from? ‘Win my brother, I’ll always remember you, and we’ll meet at the end you know. And I have friends, but they too are extinguished, in the face of the crazy length !!! “Miri Shemi writes:” Why? I do not understand, and yet he asks: Why? Things that were not said in the obituary about Nir, the great pain. Nir, a graduate of the pilots course, is first and foremost a healthy person. In order to be admitted to an aviation course, it is not enough to be A-B, you must be A-A. Some of those accepted for this long course fall off on the way, and those who finish must be A-1A. Those who finish the course from flying crews, helicopters, navigators, and only a small part to combat and deposit in their hands aircraft worth millions. And these should be A-1A-A-1. Nir, healthy in body and soul and with special skills and perfect coordination, otherwise he would not have reached where he came. Nir had a ‘special drawback’: he liked to travel on the ground, too, which is what we call ‘the best in the world’. In his free time he liked to travel in Israel. Last week he decided to go with his girlfriend to Keshet Cave, the pearl of the Western Galilee. In any case, they see it and from there observers everywhere in the Western Galilee. The road to there is easy and safe. You can get to the east, a short way, five minutes from the parking lot, and three minutes to go. It is possible to get from the west, on a marked and comfortable path, on an elongated spur between Nahal Namer and Nahal Betzet. It takes half an hour and the beneficiaries go 20 minutes. This method is suitable for children from the age of three to the elderly by the age of eighty, using a cane. So what do not I understand? What happened to a healthy, well-traveled guy, in perfect weather, in a non-dangerous and short way that makes him fall into an abyss from which he did not return. A blow, a dizziness, a loss of balance, a momentary folly, not a buy. But, the fact is that it happened, Nir is gone. “If God was a human being I would settle with him, but he is God … why ???” Homi, a neighbor and father of Nir’s friend, writes to the parents: “Far from me, she got meThe worst line of Job, and I sit and cry, finds it difficult to believe the news of the death of Nir, the dear and beloved son. I know, there are no words in the world that can console and reduce the magnitude of the terrible disaster. Every word will pale in front of the terrible reality, a wonderful life cut off in their noses, and a terrible injustice in the cruel world. Still, Nir has managed to do so much: to accumulate vast knowledge, to meet many friends from all over the world and to experience countless experiences. Nir was a great man everywhere, and we, as close neighbors and Shaked’s parents, could easily see it. A little anecdote I remember especially: On Shaked’s seventh birthday, the class was hosted in our home and I gave them a quiz on various subjects: works, capital cities, personalities and more. Nir, with his vast knowledge, stood out beyond his friends. The next day, when I told you about it admiringly, you smiled cheerfully, but you were not surprised at all, because you knew in your Lev that you had a clever and curious child destined for greatness. True, not all the Yaffa words sweeten the loss of Nir, and in any case, the knowledge that Nir grew up in a wonderful family, which gave him endless love, the knowledge that Nir was Simcha in his life and knew to exploit every moment to the end, the knowledge that Neir left behind such lovers Many have made their mark in different places, all these words of truth, can strengthen you in these terrible days. “

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