Shneiderman, Amnon

Shneiderman, Amnon

Son of Malka and David. He was born in 1917 in Tel Aviv to a Zionist family and was educated on the values ​​of labor. He completed his elementary studies at the Borochov neighborhood school, where his father was one of its founders, and from there moved to Maude at the agricultural school in Ben Shemen. He then returned to Tel Aviv, began studying frameworks and later moved to the Gvat group as part of a training program. He joined the nucleus of Nahalal and the “Mish’ol” group, which organized the Shimron group and with them immigrated to Kibbutz Hanita. He was young and sensitive, a vegetarian and a lover of nature. He also had a rich imagination and a sense of art and poetry, and a special interest in medieval Spanish poetry. For a long time he was grazing sheep, he knew every channel and every corner of the Hanita landscape, every wild plant by name and bird by the sound of her voice. As a shepherd he connected with the Arabs of the area and the Lebanese border, came to their homes, spoke their language, drank coffee with them and ate their food. On 6 Iyar, May 11, 1943, a Haganah operation took place in Kfar Bialik, in the guise of a lecture in which members were given guidance in defense matters. At the Akko-Safed junction, a car accident occurred in which Amnon lost his life and was brought to eternal rest in the Hanita cemetery. He left a father, two brothers and two sisters.

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