Shmuel, Amit

Shmuel, Amit

The youngest son of Hannah and Sami. He was born on the 16th of Cheshvan 5704 (6.11.1979) in Moshav Beit Yosef in the Beit She’an Valley. Brother to Nahum, my son and Elyaki. Amit grew up in a moshav, in a warm and loving environment, and was the indulgent child of father and mother. He had a great love for animals, and he raised chickens and geese in the courtyard of the house with great care. Amit began his studies at the joint religious-religious school in Sde Eliyahu, and went on to junior high school in the Ort Comprehensive School in Beit Shean, where he studied in the electricity track. He made great efforts to acquire the profession and successfully completed his studies. Amit was a very prominent figure among the family and friends and radiated a great love for the environment. Surrounded by many friends who appreciated his good qualities and being a faithful friend and confidant in times of trouble. Amit’s golden hands touched on all the crafts, and especially the work of electrical work he specialized in. He helped his father with agricultural work, reached out to his mother, and helped the brothers and sisters. His love for his nieces and veils was boundless, and he was also very close to his sister-in-law with me. His fondness for children was well known, and he particularly liked to make them laugh. During his spare time he worked for a contractor, saved money and managed to pamper himself, to enjoy himself. Amit was drafted into the IDF on March 24, 1998. He was trained in the “Zikim” recruits’ base, and after that he began a course in electrical engineering equipment at the 20 Training Base in Tzrifin. Hillel, in the Upper Galilee, where he served until his last day. A special relationship developed between him and his commander Rami, which went far beyond the conventional relations between a commander and his subordinate. Amit fell during his service on February 21, 2001, a week before his discharge from the army, in a car accident near his home. He was twenty-one years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in his moshav, Beit Yosef. Survived by parents and three brothers. “I had a house with four beams, one of them fell, and my house collapsed, my love, our source of pride, I had a treasure for twenty-one years, every moment with this diamond was a dream – and this dream was over. We were impressed by all his actions and successes, and we received so much happiness from him, he was humble and humble and always returned to us with love, my colleague, you, the knight of the knights, the greatest of the great, the best of the best. , That you loved life so much and knew how to use every moment, without you thinking about how much it costs or whether it is worthwhile to derive pleasure from every situation possible. And on your way you gave all your friends, friends and acquaintances the feeling that you are here, you are there, and in fact you are all over the world. ” My quiet, humble son who always gave love, he gave everyone his respect, and offered a helping hand to everyone: some worries and fears, sleepless nights and days of anxiety, In the army and in every trip, and everything collapsed on us in one second that killed you and destroyed the family, I cry for you my son, and also the sky, I cry for you, a beautiful flower that was picked and cut off without time, and you are only twenty- The loves you will not know, the joys you will not see, the wedding that you will not have, the grandchildren we will not see … My colleague, it ‘s very hard for me to separate from you, my beloved son … For you are always with us, besieged in our hearts and engraved in our memory. In the letter of consolation to the bereaved family, Col. Shimi Daniel, commander of the unit, wrote: “Amit served as an electrician in the emergency storage unit at Beit Hillel.Was a model soldier who volunteered first for every mission and promoted the field in which he worked. Amit aspired to the perfection of his work and spent many hours performing his tasks in order to train the equipment for proper fitness. Amit Rekem has unique relationships with his friends in the unit and was full of energy and joy of life, and has a unique sense of humor. In his pleasant manner and his laughter, he was a favorite of his officers and friends. The death of a colleague prematurely and in these difficult circumstances, just a week before his military service ended, a service in which he often risked his life while in Lebanon and on the Lebanese border, leaves a great void, shock and shock among the commanders of the unit and its soldiers who loved Amit very much. Of Amit, Rami Marom: “Here you wake up after a quiet night in the sector and stand at 7:30 am for a morning parade with the ponytail in your hair and the constant smile. You have been with me for almost three years that have passed quickly and were quickly cut off, I miss you everywhere. There is no place in the base that did not break? Your name big and your arm did not touch it. You were an exemplary soldier, disciplined and dignified. You have given your heart a goal and you have devoted most of your time. I still dream you. In the dream you appear beautifully, with a smile and a sense of humor, and always tell me that you exist and exist and continue to live. “I will always remember you, and I will perpetuate your memory forever.” Amit’s family published a book in his memory, which lists notes, memoirs, and many farewell letters: “I sit and think in moments of silence. / The words that I write can not express / how much the heart is drinking and vulnerable // From the day of your death there is no rest in my heart … // Everything that was gone will be gone / But everything is kept in memory / Because we will not forget / And you are no longer … // And a week before the liberation / we landed on that cursed day / in which your life was cut off at once / On the bloody road marked by a snore / But in your short cut life prematurely / We learned from you to give / Friend and Adam! “Amit’s friend, Tehila, wrote:” … We planned a common future for us. You promised that you and I would get married and be loved. And today I am alone, trying to continue a new life, but it is very difficult for me. Today, when I come to the seat, everything is different, feeling the sadness in the air. You brought life into the seat, and in your death everything died. Amit, say that good people have a place in the throne. I am sure that your soul revolves around angels. You see and hear, but can not say anything. And I was down here with my memories, my heart broken and cold. “I am standing in the moments of silence / hurting your death and still stunned / with words that can not express how heart and drink are affected. / Dear colleague, Meir the Interior / The youngest son and the youngest son / So near the liberation, only a week / You found your death in the harvest of blood / and the eve of the month of Adar, where we joyfully found / found ourselves Mourning your death // The pictures that pass do not give you rest / Because you are a colleague We can not forget anymore / Because you were also a brother also a colleague / and we will treasure in our hearts Immediately. ” At the memorial service on the first anniversary of his fall he eulogized his sister-in-law with me: “Here we meet again / in your honor, my beloved brother-in-law, who will never return. / The family you loved so much / / And she will never forget you / / The masses of friends who always met you in your home / The commanders who always appreciated you / And all the peopleAnd two-seat moshavim. / From the day you walk, a harsh reality hits our faces / And we create the pain in our hearts / When you live and breathe in us / And participate in every move in our lives / Not a day goes by without your memories being in our mouths / laughter, lightness, love for the world / / And your talents offer to anyone at any time. … // We are left with the space that you have left / with our memories that you have been trying to bring together / to continue living in a world of change / and to fight against a better future / to save our country and not give up. “On the second anniversary of his downfall, “A pain that never ends / It has been two years / And I do not believe / My world has changed so much / Since we parted in the cemetery. // A season has come and a passing season / And my time has come to a halt / My world has been enveloped in the autumn wind / since I was without it. / Day after day passes / Every day is harder / I sink in the world of thoughts / And sink in the sea of ​​memories / Time passes and does not stop / Without you harder / Longing in the heart and tears in the eyes / And you are my beloved in heaven. : “Amit worked for me before his military service, on leave and during his army service. I built on him as an employee after his discharge from the military service, we discussed the subject and saw him as a talent and professional potential that does not exist in everyone. In addition to being talented and with good hands, he was an intelligent, intelligent, intelligent man. True, he had an image of naughty, but according to the testimony of the unit, he was dedicated and serious. He had leadership and his friends respected him, he liked to help and built his standing among them because of his leadership, kindness and sensitivity. Despite his young age he managed to establish himself financially, and strove to help his friends when they were stuck. All its good and important qualities can be summed up in the concept of survival. It seemed that how she would not throw it would always fall on her feet, but this time it was too strong, stronger than life. I miss him very much. “Adva Shmuel wrote:” … You went to us without any introduction, without saying good-bye, without saying a word. / We are still sitting, Waiting and missing / To come and laugh us, sit down like you used to talk to us, tell us stories / but you are actually among the angels / look at us from above and we are down here writing you poems / You went to your world and you will not come back and everyone explains that the pain will pass / that we should continue to live life, but we are still sitting and crying / I ask myself why fate is cruel? / Why does Gd pick the good guys? “I have not yet found the answer, but I have reached the one conclusion that there is nothing left but to wait for you and to remember you forever!” Wrote Shmulik Malul: “… I trusted you completely in everything related to vehicles, ATVs and motorcycles. For me you were a kind of idol I admired and admired. And you, you only disappointed me once, once too much. Such companies have only once in a lifetime, a friend like you will no longer be me. “It’s been two years since / since the light was in your eyes / and what else we have to say, Dear Amit / Because you can hear me But not to say anything. // In a car you loved so much / And a huge space for us You left / and we have all our lives for us Help / We will never forget the things / That you wanted so much but you did not get it // The girl you looked forward to already / She would only know you Amit / she would smile and say, ‘I’m named after you, Yamit,’ but you know, Amit, you’re up there and we’re down / but you’re close to the Creator”As a delusional illusion in the fog,” said his mother, “as a deceptive illusion in the fog / the Creator who has seen your deeds / to the Garden of Eden will bring you / and create in your bundle of life your soul.” On the third anniversary of his downfall, I remember other days / not long ago / When I hugged you like a baby in my arms / And the world smiled at me / I remember you in my hand / Both of us march softly / and in the heart Infinite happiness / memory of a brief moment. // I remember you coming back from the army / with your uniform, kitbag and cap / walking home happily / and the heart filled with pride. / Every day with you was like a year / every moment Your people was a gift / peace be, a distant dream / forever will be young and sweet / there between stars and angels / keep us lovers / and here we will stand in front of your tombstone / and keep any souvenir left of you. Amit was immortalized in a Torah scroll that was placed in a synagogue in Moshav Beit Yosef for his soul, and Amit’s unit set up a monument at the base of the Ordnance Corps where he served, and after his death Amit was born to his two daughters named Amital and Yamit.

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