Shitrit, Yosef (Yossi)

Shitrit, Yosef (Yossi)

Ben Masuda and Moshe. He was born on December 22, 1946 in Morocco. Yossi began his elementary studies in his native country. After the family immigrated to Israel in 1955, Yossi continued his studies in Hatzor, the agricultural school in Nahalal and the youth group of Kibbutz Givat Hayim Ihud. Yossi was drafted into the IDF in early February 1964, and joined the ranks of the career army in May 1966. During his service he served in the Logistics Division of the Maintenance Corps, including a quartermaster, assistant maintenance officer and maintenance officer at the Israel Defense Forces. As part of his military training, Yossi graduated with honors, a course for maintenance officers and other professional courses, and a course for commanders of battalions. He completed all his duties in the front line of the Northern Command, in difficult and important positions as a company commander in a regular battalion, as a brigade maintenance officer in a regular brigade and in a regular division and command. Yossi had a very high work ethic, a “dear man” they called him in the Northern Command. Yossi received a Chief Maintenance Officer Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Emergency Warehouses Organization, as well as the Head of the Quartermaster Division. He received signals of his participation in the Six Day War, Yom Kippur War and Peace for the Galilee. In 1983, when Yossi was appointed assistant to the commanding officer of the Israel Defense Forces in the Northern Command, his commander wrote to him in a letter of appreciation: “I saw you as a loyal and devoted assistant who knows how to implement the instructions of his commander and bring them to the last commanders and soldiers. You have an extraordinary ability to express and thanks to you, the Wing knew how to “beat up” Torah in command units. You served under my command in the War of Independence, where you took a significant part in the war room and did not spare days and nights worrying about the fighters in the field. Yossi was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel on Independence Day in 1984, in appreciation of his role in the organization of the Northern Command of the Northern Command after the Peace for Galilee war. Colonel Dan Nadiv, the maintenance officer of the Northern Command, wrote to Yossi in a letter of appreciation after the IDF training course in 1991: “You have been proven diligently, skill and perseverance, made of special material. “In a periodic assessment in 1992, his commander wrote:” A senior officer of professional stature, radiates from his experience, promotes many issues in command, an asset that can not be waived. “In February 1968, Yossi married Esther and they had three children – Idit, Gali, and Moshe On 21 November 1993, Yossi died at Rambam Hospital from a serious illness He was brought to rest at the “Camp David” military cemetery on Haifa’s Carmel Beach, leaving behind a wife, two daughters and a son, a mother, three brothers – Yahya, Ehud and Maimon, and three sisters – Chana, Simcha and Tzipora. Ehud died after his death, and the family received a certificate of honor and honor signed by the head of the manpower division, Colonel Itzik Elimelech, a Northern Command maintenance officer, wrote in a condolence letter to the family: “Yossi was He was an exemplary officer and served as an example for many years for the Northern Command and the Maintenance Corps. His great work, his investment and his dedication to the missions left their mark on every unit in the command. Beyond being an excellent officer, Yossi was a true friend who always found time to help and help everyone. “

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