Shemesh, Shimon

Shemesh, Shimon

Ben Esther and Zechariah. He was born on July 12, 1980 in Rishon Letzion. Brother to Noa-Meirav, Dafna and Smadar. Shimon grew up in the Ramat Eliyahu neighborhood of Rishon Letzion. He began his studies at the Itamar Ben Avi elementary school and went on to the junior high school “The Last Biluim.” As a child he was very curious, quiet and shy, yet very sociable. He often read detective and science fiction literature, loved to paint but also liked to engage in sports – especially football. He spent many hours playing soccer and snooker with his friends from the neighborhood and from school, was an avid supporter of the Beitar Jerusalem football team and never missed a game, Shimon graduated from the Amit Amit high school in Rishon Letzion. He wanted to enlist in the Golani Brigade, but his father, the deputy commander of the Technological College of the Ordnance Corps, convinced him to study for two more years at the college for a practical degree, and he continued to study reserve duty at the Technological College of the Ordnance Corps in Tzrifin. – computerized computerized irrigation system, and graduated with a practical diploma (Shimon, as they called him), can tell that one of his outstanding traits was the friendship without reservation, and it was important for Shimi to be one of them all, never to be indistinguishable, And always – together with everyone and for everyone – Shimi always made sure that all the activities organized by the members were successful and carried out as planned to the last detail. “Shimi was always the one who organized the guys’ entertainment and exits. “Shimon knew exactly what he wanted from himself and acted accordingly,” says one of his friends, who was an aspiring man who saw career as a way of life and chose it as a profession for the future. Therefore, when he enlisted in the IDF at the beginning of August 2000, he turned to the special corps of the Ordnance Corps. He was trained as a Kalba’i 04, underwent a course for an armored personnel carrier, and as part of his training was assigned to the Nahal Brigade’s 9th Battalion. The battalion was able to pass the first baptism of fire when it was stationed at the Ofer Camp in the Ramallah area, where it assisted in the battalion’s preparations for a line. After a period of time in the sector, he and the battalion reached the line of Avivim on the Lebanese border. Prior to leaving for the officers’ training course, Shimon completed preparation for a course in the munitions base at Training Base 20. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion of the “Erez” Battalion. He was admired and accepted by his comrades in the company and, as usual, did his best. In his civilian life as well as military Shimon was very careful about aesthetics and respectable appearance. He was meticulous in matters of discipline and made sure that everyone obeyed the rules and procedures. Outwardly, Shimon displayed a harsh expression, but his real friends knew the inner tenderness; Which was expressed mainly by an occupying smile, which often replaced the words. Asaf, Shimon’s friend in the course, writes: “Shimon, who came to the course, had a very clear goal of being an officer in the IDF. He believed that as an officer he would bring honor to his father and his family, whom he loved. Shimon always stood out in his ability to give and volunteer spirit. He liked to do everything together. He always urged all of them to help those who had experience in the team, since each time it would be a different friend and therefore should help everyone. On the first day, when we arrived at the room, Shimon was “refined” and sampled about his equipment, and from the beginning of the course he got up first to take care of cleanliness. Sometimes we would laugh at him. When we asked him to go out, he refused on the grounds that he needed to rest to keep his forces for the next week of the course. To hear itIt was important to be an officer and succeed in the course. He was a golden man. You can not find a person who will say something bad about him, because he was a favorite of everyone. “Uri, commander of the officers’ course, said:” Shimon was characterized by a kind of quiet, positive leadership that was unique to him. One look of his was enough to say all that was on his heart, and managed to influence the exaltation of the crew … He always performed the tasks best given to him. He was particularly conspicuous in order, organization, and cleanliness. One can even say that he jealously preserved these values. Shimon Dikdak and diligent on everything he did, all in the belief that in order to be a good officer, start with the details. Shimon presented the following assessment: “Excellent work, well presented, neat, clean at first sight. After a thorough reading, it is clear that you have invested in seriousness, in terms of content as well. The battle and its dilemmas are well articulated. “After a short rest, he joined the team, encouraged his friends and helped them through the runway, which was a chore and a last chance to pass the course.In the medical condition he was in, He was completely devoted to his friends and staff, ran beside them, helped the passage of the wall, the fish and helped climb the rope, and was one of the factors that led to the success of the crew at the end of the route. He studied it and was ready to leave, but in view of his medical condition, the company commander forbade him Participated in the campaign. Shimon accompanied the team throughout the preparations, until the last briefing before the departure, when the entire battalion was arranged in the form of a h. At the end of the briefing they all boarded the buses. Shimon did not get up. He collapsed on the parade ground and all the resuscitation efforts did not help. He returned to the hospital on his way to the hospital on Sunday 21 June 2001. Shimon, a son and brother, Ehud and devoted, with a lush smile and a pure heart, was brought to the world to rest the next day in the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion. He was succeeded by his parents and three sisters, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, to which he had so much ambition: “Shimon, you were a man in the full sense of the word, Purity, a modest, quiet guy. You did everything in your own way without asking for a change or a benefit. “Lev Tahor created you in Gd,” a heart filled with love, caring and caring for others … The Armament Corps stands here in silence and salutes you, Deputy Shimon Shemesh. Ehud Barak, Commander of the Erez Battalion: “As an officer serving in the Ordnance Corps, you were proud of this route and the challenge that awaits you. It was important for you to continue the path your father outlined – a path of professionalism, hard work and dedication … You were in the place you wanted, in the way you chose, you met your personal goals, you were good. All that good is now gone. That’s what we’re all here for, all the centuries that have come to accompany you on your last journey. We are not, and so are we, because the memory that has been left will be difficult to protest. It exists and is tangible. For us these are not only pleasant memories, not only something important, but also something binding. In a condolence letter to the bereaved family, the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Shaul Mofaz, wrote: “Shimon was described by his commanders as a serious soldier, diligent and devoted, who had a strong desire to contribute Shimon looked forward to the officers’ challengeA path towards him stood with dignity. Shimon was a great man, worthy of being a model. He was sociable and smiling, loved by his commanders and friends alike. I am certain that his absence is felt between the commanders of the unit and its soldiers, “wrote Amos, the unit commander.” Shimon performed the tasks that were placed on him in the course in a good manner, demonstrating seriousness, commitment and motivation. Shimon demonstrated self-discipline and impressive workmanship. He was a good and devoted friend and was the focus of a good atmosphere in the team. His sudden death left his friends, commanders, and officers’ school in shock and pain. “Shimon, Shimla, dear nephew, son, brother and grandson, beloved and noble, sun shines with a shy smile. Do you remember, dear friends, his last words and words “I will succeed”? Yes Shimon, Shimla, you said to them impartially, and you were not afraid or afraid, although you were very excited about that status that would be remembered forever. But unfortunately, the assertiveness that so characterized you did not stand the test of life. We find comfort in the fact that within such a short time you have been able to recognize, be, and live with such wonderful people. Good friends, supporters and lovers. We wanted to wish them the best of luck and success. “Ricky and Amichai, Shimon’s cousins, parted from him in the song” Tears “, which they wrote:” Tears are sad, / One is stored. The sadness, which “says” every body / soul, and thus all of them represent, / what we really feel. / Drops of transparent drops, which paint our lives in gray, sad colors / Sometimes they stop, On the big dam / until at last they overwhelm him / as if they are taking out the pain that has stopped, out / they break out, wet / wash our daily routine. ! / Why life is full of joy “All that remains is a memory of the past …” On Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers, Shimon’s sister carried the words in memory of the fallen, “passing through the years and memories not being felt.” In the holiness and sorrow the entire nation, children and adults, gathers together with its sons and daughters, to remind them of the work, heroism, and dedication of our loved ones who have followed their will. This year, the list of the fallen and the family of bereaved increased. Again, parents say “Kaddish” on the grave of their loved ones. Again, boys say about their parents and brothers about Dreams and hopes have vanished, an entire world shatters to pieces. / Feelings and feelings that are especially sharp in the celebrations and holidays, / When we feel stronger, they lack feeling / Food, sound or imagination increase our longing, but in vain. We are surrounded by the rest of the family, who also suffer like us and still need us. / The absence of a loved one, and living in the shadow of pain and bereavement. And the sisters, to the heat, to the love, and to the anxious attention. / Brothers thought what parents feel that their world has been destroyed. “Let us remember that for their sake we must move on,” because in their death they commanded us to live. ” Shimon’s family produced a memorial booklet bearing the name “I gave it to herIn my home and in the walls of Yad Vashem. “The booklet contains many pictures from Shimon’s childhood until his last days, interspersed with his biography and letters, stories and poems written after his death.

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