Shavit (Reker), Yaron

Shavit (Reker), Yaron

Son of Tova and Abraham z “l, was born on April 20, 1962 in Ramat Gan, where his father, a career soldier, Major Avraham Shavit, was killed in the Jordan Valley. His first response to the announcement of his father’s death was: “Father will no longer see how I go to first grade and how Oren (his younger brother) sits.” Until that day, Yaron was a mischievous child, very open and cheerful. He was already in the army at the Shiloh Elementary School in Ramat Gan, and in the fourth grade he joined the Scouts movement. Our daughter Yaron was very musical, listened to music and began to learn to drum on drums, and he expressed all his feelings, joy and sadness, joy and grief, anger and resignation. “After graduating from elementary school, Yaron continued his studies at Beit- The “New High School” in Tel Aviv, and he tried to make it very easy for his widowed mother, and in his “Golden Hands” he repaired everything that needed repair at home, and not only at his home, but his grandmother also helped Yaron renovate her apartment. And never missed a Saturday night meal at home. Even when he and his friend made a trip to Europe before joining the army, he planned the route so that he could call home from time to time, and devoted much of his time to choosing gifts for his family and buying them. Yaron was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1980, and his father volunteered to serve in the Paratroopers Brigade, despite the fact that he was able to enlist in a paratrooper unit, and he chose to invest his energy, faith and strength. The first line, in which he and his friends could defend the homeland, was the last soldier to arrive at the commando unit, but immediately took his place among them, and Yaron symbolized the calm, thinking man in his friends and commanders. His grandfather, Yaron, died after an arduous journey, during which his legs were injured and walking was difficult for him After the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War, Yaron’s career was paved with operational activities, from security guards to the pursuit in the Jordan Valley, and when the war broke out he immigrated to Lebanon with his unit, knew hard battles and was a leader in the battle. He was known for his meticulous maintenance of cleanliness and order, and even in the harsh conditions in Lebanon he took care of it, and the cleaning equipment grabbed half the contents of his bag, and his friends called him “the duke,” because it was always clean and smelling of soap and aftershave . On Sivan 5743 (31.5.1983), while on his way from southern Israel back to Lebanon, Sgt. Yaron fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After they fell, he was awarded the rank of First Sergeant. Yaron left behind a mother and brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander said, “Yaron joined the November team for our elite unit … Throughout the course Yaron was discovered in all his personality, in his full humanity … We learned Yaron during a long period fraught with hardships and hardships … Chiron never gave up any difficulty or obstacle, and always remembered his friends and knew how to help and encourage … Yaron was an excellent soldier and commander and was an example of a fighter in a parachutist unit. ” His family published a memorial book commemorating his character and deeds

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