Sharabi, Haim

Sharabi, Haim

Son of Shalom and Sa’ida. He was born on the 10th of Tishrei 5708 (October 10, 1948) in Yemen, and immigrated to Israel in 1951. He studied at the “Hadera” Yeshiva and afterwards at the Beit Yosef Yeshiva in Jerusalem and at the Beit Hillel Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. To allow him to free himself from the yeshiva because he wanted to learn clericalism and to specialize in a vital profession, which, he said, would be useful in daily life, but the parents would not accept it and Chaim would have despaired of their will and return to the tents of Torah. In August 1966, he sent a letter from the yeshiva to the enlistment office in Haifa asking him to invite him to enlist. And despite the fact that he was disciplined and faithful to his parents and teachers, he abandoned the yeshiva after the Six-Day War and joined the IDF in July 1967 in order to be another link in the chain A long line of courage and heroism. In his last letter to his parents, he asked their forgiveness that he had not turned to them for their consent to his enlistment: “For your honor, I remained in Yeshivah until the twentieth year of my life. ‘meeting'”. He writes about his friends who guard the borders and sees himself as obligated to join them in order to help them “to share in their suffering and sorrow – no matter what, because this is the order of the hour, a positive commandment of supreme self-supervision. As a result of a clash in the ambush near the Damia Bridge, he was wounded and a few days later, on the 29th of Tishrei 5729 (29.10.1967), died of his wounds. He was laid to rest in the Hadera cemetery.

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