Shani (Samouch), Yitzhak (Itzik)

Shani (Samouch), Yitzhak (Itzik)

Yitzhak (Itzik), son of Sara and Mendel, was born on February 12, 1947, in the Czech Republic, and in 1949. When he was eight years old, his parents divorced, and the mother with her daughter and son moved to Kibbutz Mishmarot When his family moved to Tel Aviv, Yitzhak studied at the Humane Gymnasium and excelled in his studies, and from his childhood he was intelligent, inquisitive, loving a book and an opinionator, and his friends were few, but they were friends in Lev and soul. Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1965 and assigned to the Armored Corps. As part of his service, he underwent courses for tank and tank commander courses. The courses were all finished with good grades. During the Six-Day War he served in the southern front, and later remained in the Canal area during the War of Attrition. As his release date approached, his commanders recommended that he volunteer for the career army, but Yitzhak preferred to find his place in civilian life. In mid-August 1968, Yitzhak completed his mandatory service and began working at Elco, and later worked for El Al and saved money for his studies. In 1971, after completing his high studies, he was awarded a practical engineer’s diploma, and in that same year he married his girlfriend Rachel. The couple had a son who was named Sharon. For two years he served with dedication in the Ministry of Defense and was awarded a commendation as part of the Israel Security Prize. “Our first impression from Itzik was that of Bialik’s” constant “incarnation, whose pages of Gemara were replaced by printed circuit boards and the beit midrash, with colorful flashing lights, wrapped in a work in his corner, his face to the wall and the instruments, his back To the chaos all around, so that he would sit for hours on end, only occasionally, when a joke uttered loudly through his concentration wall, a smile appeared on his lips. Dumas, without sounding a voice, showed a sound and intelligent opinion, drawing on an independent thought, with the results of diligence, And by the way, he was found to be a tank commander and that the War of Attrition took place at an outpost in one of the most dangerous places, an introverted and reserved man whose calmness and skepticism stood out against the sound of the Israeli loudness. To learn a lot from him, in all areas of work and life. ” In the Yom Kippur War he fought as a tank commander on the northern front. On the 7th of Tishrei 5734 (October 7, 1973), he was killed and killed in a battle near the village of Nafach, when the commander’s tank hit him and he was brought to eternal rest in the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery. “In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote:” Yitzhak performed his duties faithfully, efficiently and with devotion. “In his memory, a list was written in a pamphlet published by the Ministry of Defense in memory of its victims.

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