Shani, Gil

Shani, Gil

Son of Ita and Shevach. He was born on the 11th of Adar Alef 5761 (10.2.1981) in Moshav Almagor, overlooking the Sea of ​​Galilee, a young brother of Guy and Maya, who began his studies at the Daliyot Elementary School in Ramot and completed his studies at the Beit Yerah high school in the Jordan Valley Gil was a talented, intelligent, modest and modest man, a kind and sensitive man and a dedicated son to his parents, and from the early age Gil enlisted in the family farm for responsibility and diligence, Armored Corps. He went straight to the officer’s course and finished it within a year and seven months. As a young platoon commander, he served in Gaza and received a certificate of excellence from the commander of the 7th Brigade. On April 28, 2003, about a month after entering the army, Gil fell into a training accident in the Golan Heights. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. Gil was buried in the military section of the cemetery on Kibbutz Ein Gev. Survived by his parents, brother and sister. “A letter of farewell and perhaps even a song of praise. If you only agree with my sweet, I should make it easier for me / I would write every year for you in rhymes. And now my sweetness has devoured all the words. But I do not have to worry about my sweetness I do not give up. / Meanwhile my children will read to you only this / I owe it to myself, I must cry / Pit of sadness, of loss / My child, a real Encyclopaedia / but mainly sensitive, loves with a huge heart that feels / My head is now slightly slanted, my nose is so dripping / But do not worry my sweet I will stand up / Because I owe you, You were so proud / , M I was a beautiful Jewish man / You were a proud Jewish man / You were a beautiful Jewish man / You were a beautiful Jewish man / You were a beautiful Jewish man / He is very talented and has a great heart and a great heart. “I am not ashamed to write that I miss you so much and that everyone will read, because you know, the older ones are not ashamed of longing and crying,” wrote his friend Oren in the pamphlet of Moshav Almagor on the anniversary of the fall of Gil: “I wanted to tell you that I had the worst year of my life. In the fall of the eyes, a little giggle came to him as a result of the memory of something funny we went through together, such as jumping on bags of mustard and finally finding out that this mustard embellished the pants in the back, or the memory of the day we planted my cactus in the garden, and you never stopped laughing Stabbing me, I expected your split smile, you know, the way you’d lift half a mouth and grin at you By the way, I do not know if you noticed, but this cactus is next to you, and finally I wanted to tell you that you managed to teach me in a big way what it is to miss … I miss you and I will never stop missing you, dear friend. ” “For nearly a year, from that terrible day, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, for almost a year now, we have been thinking about you dozens of times a day, and our hearts are full of sadness, and our eyes are watering. For almost a year now, every military base is actually you, and your character has been watching our eyes for almost a year now, that everything is no longer what it was. // Few know who you really were, the big blue eyes, the smile at the corner of your mouth, the cat In your arms, the short emphases, and the witty answers, soaked with the wisdom of adults, you have made sure to conceal your high sensitivity, humanity, help, support, understanding and inner beauty. TheThese questions seemed obvious to you, and you did not bother to talk about them, to publish them. The high grades, the high psychometric score you achieved. The impressive certificate of excellence that you received from the brigade. The nights you spent with the soldiers in repairing and working on the tanks and other tools, when in fact it was not your job. The great devotion you had to the soldiers, the great concern you felt for them. The attitude and respect you had toward your family. And many other things that we do not even know, and are occasionally discovered. If you sit and watch us from above, I’m sure you were very proud of your wonderful family, so cohesive, helpful, feeling each other, giving a living space in the right dosages and supporting all the way together, all together as a family. It’s been almost a year, and there’s still the feeling that maybe it did not happen at all. “

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