Shaiman, Yaakov (Kobi)

Shaiman, Yaakov (Kobi)

Ben Shoshana and Father. Born on 18.1.1968 in Ramle, the eldest son of a family of three. Yaakov studied at the Be’eri elementary school in Rishon Letzion and at the Reali Gymnasium, specializing in computers. Yaakov was given a non-combat medical profile, but he was determined to be a combat soldier, appealed the medical committee’s summaries and indeed succeeded. At the beginning of February 1987, Yaakov was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, and was assigned to the infantry brigade of the Givati ​​Brigade. Command. In February 1990, Yaakov was discharged from compulsory service in the IDF. On his release certificate, his commander wrote: “He is resourceful, capable of thinking, quiet, proactive, capable of organization and management. Yaakov attended an academic preparatory course at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and when he fell he was a second year student in the zoological program at Bar-Ilan University. At the end of April 1992, Yaakov was called to active reserve duty and went with his unit to operational activities in the West Bank. On January 4, 1992, he was killed in a battle in the Jenin District, where he was severely injured in an operational accident, In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “From the very first moments in our unit, Kobi stood out as a man and as a fighter. He wanted to contribute, to help others, to do what was best for him. First for every mission, volunteer for any occasion. Qualities that were soon placed as one of the pillars of the company … “The family members commemorated his name in a book they published in his memory.

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