Shafir, Nitza (Nitzik)

Shafir, Nitza (Nitzik)

Daughter of Ruth and Israel Berkman. She was born in Kfar Vitkin on July 18, 1950. She spent her childhood in Kfar Vitkin, where she studied at the elementary school in the regional moshav and yeshiva, the David son of-Gurion Education Center in Emek Hefer. In addition to her studies, she was active in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed and Gadna youth movements, in the framework of the high school Nitza wrote poems and found great interest in literature, poetry, and prose, and was drafted into the IDF in November 1968. After completing basic training she served as a lieutenant colonel She graduated from the Israel Defense Forces in 1970. In 1970 she married Yoav, and at the end of that year, their son Eran was born, during which she was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Her personal ability and the assessment of her commanders, and in 1982 she received the rank of lieutenant colonel as a personal rank Kadesh and the Six Day War and the drowning of the Dakar Submarine, which took place in her youth, left its mark on it, as expressed in her poems and later on in her approach to reservists. She was forced to accept the expression of her love of man, her clear logic, her sharpness and her unlimited dedication to her role in the IDF. As part of her military service, she encouraged, assisted, and supported soldiers from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many of them admitted that without it they would not have succeeded in breaking through the social, moral, mental, and economic ladder. With wisdom and wisdom, she knew how to combine the commitment to her work with the needs of her home and her cultivation. Her inner and outer beauty, the sharpness of her mind and the love that flowed from her to all – to man and plant – made her unique image and made her home a warm nest, which was good to dwell on. On 28 Tevet 5787 (January 28, 1987) she fell during her service and was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Kfar Vitkin, leaving behind her husband, son, parents and sister Liora From a poem written by her mother after her death: “I loved a mane who curled curls, / the touch of your warm, warm hand. / I have loved you, you have been blessed, / Your wonderful smile radiates light and joy. “

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