Shachar, Eliyahu

Shachar, Eliyahu

Son of Rachel and Andre. Eliahu was born in Israel on the 29th of Cheshvan 5704 (October 29, 1954) to a family of immigrants from Tunis, and grew up in Moshav Yaara, located on the northern border. And to protect his homeland, the police motivation from his childhood forced him to report to the police recruiting office, and he joined the police on November 10, 1975. Eliahu, Eli, was a policeman and an excellent sergeant, And although he was a loyal and loving husband and father, the policing missions often preceded the house “I have one ambition in life, and that is to go ahead with the police and be an excellent officer.” His commanders did not question the fulfillment of his ambition, but Elijah did not get it, and Eliyahu was a smiling man. His close friends describe a thin, handsome man with a handsome, calm, and peaceable stature, and his sergeant-sergeant fell during his service on April 22, 1979. He was buried at the age of twenty-five. Cemetery in Ma’alot. He left a wife and three children.

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