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Sha’anan, Abraham (“Abrasha” and “Zevulun”)

Sha’anan, Abraham (“Abrasha” and “Zevulun”)

Son of-Haim-Shalom and Hannah. He was born on July 8, 1911, in the city of Lucien, Latvia. After graduating from high school he began to study medicine at the University of Prague. He immigrated to Israel in 1930. He belonged to the Haganah and was one of its commanders. Graduated from the Tel Aviv Law and Economics School. His tendencies varied and varied because his knowledge and interests were universal: he was interested in Talmudic literature, in the Hasidic movement and in its doctrine; She often read classical literature (especially poetry); Loved music and devoted himself to collecting records from classical music; Even in areas of different arts (such as painting, sculpture and theater) he showed great interest. He participated in the War of Independence and then joined the IDF in a regular army service and became a lieutenant colonel in April 1950. He served in various positions in the army – a court clerk, a Southern Command and a judge in the military court of appeals. In the Embassy of Israel he stopped his service in the army for a period of two years, where he read a lot of new literature in the Soviet Union, and on his return to Israel he returned to his post as a father of the military court. In the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left a wife, a daughter and a son.

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