Seri-Levi, Erez

Seri-Levi, Erez

Born in Tel Aviv on January 1, 1963, he grew up in Tel Aviv, first at the Zippori elementary school in Daughter of-Yam and later in the New High School in Tel Aviv. “One of his teachers told him:” The impression from the encounter with Erez – a pair of dark, hot eyes, curly curly hair and a mischievous smile – is a true mischievous impression. Only after that, with a longer acquaintance, do they insist that the smile is, in fact, a smile of tenderness, and that beneath the image of a wild mischievous person there is a great deal of emotional sensitivity. “He loved nature and sport in its various branches : He was very quick and well to swim and run, Erez was also a brave boy, and on one of the Saturdays, when he was on the beach, he jumped into the water to save two girls from drowning, and managed to bring one to the breakwater, The next day, he did not know her at all, but he spent three nights wandering in. In August 1981 he enlisted in the IDF and volunteered to serve in the Golani Brigade. Due to his qualifications he was placed in the brigade’s reconnaissance unit. He had undergone arduous training, but never complained. On one of the 120-kilometer journeys, he fainted three times, but refused to board the vehicle and continued his journey to the end, and he ran at a quick run, surprising his friends, who managed to serve in the Sayeret. The first unit was the conquest of the Beaufort fortress, which was followed by the attack of a commander of the platoon, who was carrying a group of terrorists who had been killed, and one of the soldiers summarized his memories of that night: , Whose boldness and coolness characterized him all the way we got to know him And then participated in the battle for Ein Zahlata, near the Beirut-Damascus highway, and an ambush of Syrian commandos opened fire on our forces with tanks, helicopters and missiles, and Erez was hit by a shrapnel in his chest and killed on the sixth day of the war on the 19th of Sivan 5742 (10.6.1982), was 19 years old when he died, and after his fall rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, brother and sister. Prime Minister Menachem Begin wrote to his family: “Your son Erez served his people faithfully and with devotion, and he came out, in accordance with the nation’s order, to protect the peace of the Galilee and its inhabitants … Israel is a hero and a holy nation. Generations, will remember it with great love. ” Defense Minister Ariel Sharon wrote about him: “Erez was an exemplary soldier and a friend of arms – loved by all.” The commander of his unit noted: “Erez was acceptable to his comrades and commanders in the unit, he did his duty impeccably and showed resourcefulness and stickiness in the mission all the way.” The mayor of Tel Aviv, Erez Lahat, recalled Erez after his fall, and Mayor Shlomo Lahat eulogized him: “Erez, a Golani man, wanted a military career, by nature, did everything in his power to get into the Golani reconnaissance unit, His smile always brings a smile, his spirit always optimistic, Erez was a friend and a model son. ” His family published a pamphlet in his memory.

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