Selimi, Shimshon

Selimi, Shimshon

Son of Bagum and Rahman, he was born in 1945 in Persia. He completed his studies in an elementary school in his native country, and continued to study there for two years at the ORT vocational school in the framework program. In October 1962 he immigrated to Israel alone, as part of the Youth Aliyah. In May 1963, he was drafted into the IDF and volunteered for the paratroopers. After a year he was sent to a truck drivers’ course and served as a driver in his regular service, and in January 1963 he married. He fought in the Six-Day War, and after the war began working for the Ministry of Communications as a postal manager in the Jordan Valley during the shelling in the Jordan Valley. Since then he was the postal director of Judea and Samaria, and served as a national postal critic, serving as a driver in the military administration in Tire. On 25 Kislev, November 11, 1982, as a result of the explosion of a gas canister in the Military Government building in Tire, the building collapsed and many of the soldiers were killed or wounded, among them Shimshon. He was 37 when he was killed. He left behind a wife, a son, a daughter, a father, and a mother who remained in Persia and could not be informed of the death of her son. His name was immortalized in the synagogue in the neighborhood where he used to pray.

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