Segal, Yitzhak

Segal, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Tzila and Yaakov, was born in Rehovot on June 5, 1954. He completed his studies at the son of-Zvi elementary school and the “Amal” high school in Rehovot, with the aim of industrial electrical engineering. He was a diligent student and invested great energy in his studies and work in the electric profession, and was always very helpful and helpful, and he never took the time or effort to help anyone who needed his help. After basic training, he was sent to the Armored Corps School, where he took various courses and was trained as a tank driver. At the end of the training period he was sent to an armored brigade in Sinai and served there as a tank driver. He was a good soldier, responsible and dedicated to his job. Thanks to his good nature and his easy temper, he liked all his friends and commanders in the unit. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Itzik was with his unit in Sinai. After a hasty organization, the unit went to the battle zone to try and stop the enemy forces that had crossed the canal. After many hours of rapid progress between the whistles and explosions of shells, and after the stubborn and bloody fighting that his unit conducted with enemy soldiers in the southern sector of the Suez Canal, his tank was hit by a Sagger missile in the vicinity of the driver’s cabin. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Rehovot. Survived by his parents and brother. After being shot down, he was given the rank of corporal. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Your son Yitzhak fell in battle during his duty in the southern sector of the Suez Canal on Yom Kippur, October 6, 1973. Yitzhak served as a driver in my unit and was a courageous fighter His last day, when he fell in the heavy battle. “Yitzhak’s family donated a sum of money to publish a memorial book for the fallen soldiers of the battalion, where their son served.

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