Segal, Yehuda (Yiftach)

Segal, Yehuda (Yiftach)

Son of Frieda and Meir was born on March 7, 1928, in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. In 1930 he immigrated with his family to Israel and grew up in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. He attended elementary school. He spent a short time at Kibbutz Tel Yosef. When he was 15 years old, he was accepted into the Jewish drivers’ company in the British Army and during his years of service, he was a good soldier and an experienced driver. When he was released, he moved to Haifa and worked in the Solel Boneh quarry. At the same time he joined the Irgun underground and was active in it throughout the struggle, the British searched for him so he moved from Haifa to Jerusalem, taking part in operations against the British and often as a crime between him and death. Among the brave drivers of the convoys, who maintained the connection between the lowlands and the capital. He was confident in his luck and strength: “I do not control bullets, I am armored.” He was the one who dropped the bombs on the enemy gangs at the Damascus Gate and at the Jaffa Gate, purchased and organized the base in the Tree of Life. In the battle for Deir Yassin, he commanded a unit and was seriously wounded, but as long as the battle did not end, he did not abandon command. Only after that did he agree to be transferred to a hospital, and two weeks later, on the 25th of Nissan 5748 (April 24, 1948), he died of his wounds. He was buried in the cemetery in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On September 19, 1951, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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