Schneider, Abraham

Schneider, Abraham

Son of Moshe Mordechai. Born in 1897 in Lipakany, Sarabia, Russia, where he joined the “HaTechiya” group in the “Hechalutz” organization, married and had a daughter, and in 1921 he arrived in Eretz Israel. When he came to Israel, he stayed at the Beit Ha’olim in Jaffa. On the day of the 23rd of Nisan (May 1, 1921), Jaffa was the first target of the Arab rioters. Arab rioters were armed with rifles and the mob burst into the house and killed twelve of its inhabitants. They stabbed with knives and killed him instantly. He was buried in a mass grave in the old cemetery in Tel Aviv. Left a wife and daughter in exile.

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