Schmidmayer, Yitzchak

Schmidmayer, Yitzchak

Son of Michal and Menachem. Born in Jerusalem on the 21st of Elul, September 9, 1982. After completing his studies in the yeshiva in Jerusalem, Yitzchak continued his studies at the Hesder Yeshiva in Kiryat Shmona, where he studied for five years in a track combining studies and military service. At the end of compulsory service, he was assigned to reserve duty in the Home Front Command battalion. Sergeant Yitzchak fell in the line of duty on the 28th of Tishrei, October 16, 2009, two weeks after he began reserve duty in the Lachish region. He was twenty seven years old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem. He was survived by his parents, sister and brother.

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