Schechter, Yosef

Schechter, Yosef

Yosef, son of Miriam (Zuska) and Zvi Schecter, was born in 1928 in Hamburg, Germany, and immigrated to Israel on June 6, 1933. Yosef attended the Tachkemoni School, joined the Religious Scouts, and was a member of the “Eda” nucleus. In 1948, with the outbreak of the War of Independence, he filled two roles – as a guard in the service of the Mandatory government, accompanied by convoys and the maintenance of law and order, and – as a hidden member of the Haganah. When he came to reinforce Mishmar Ha’emek, he was found to be an excellent shooter and was sent to a sniper course. In this role, he later participated in battles as a combat soldier in the Golani brigade. In a battle in the area of ​​Peku’a, he remained in the position as a sniper and he fell there on the 2nd of Tammuz (9.7.1948) and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Afula.

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