Sarig, Guy

Sarig, Guy

Ben Tzurit and Yigal. Guy was born in Jerusalem on July 23, 1974. He grew up in Moshav Hibat Zion, went to a kindergarten in Kfar Haroeh, to an elementary school in Kfar Vitkin and to the Ben-Gurion Regional High School in Emek Hefer. All along he had great friends, “and in fact they were his main hobby,” as his father said. After graduating, Guy enlisted in the paratroopers, graduated as an outstanding student in basic training and left early for a sergeant course. He served as a lieutenant colonel in the infantry paratroopers ‘base, went on to the infantry officers’ course, and when he was finished he was appointed commander of a mortar division in the auxiliary company of the 932 battalion in the Nahal Brigade.As he completed his mandatory year, In the last year of his life, Guy has prepared himself for life outside of the military framework: He improved his matriculation certificate in English, studied at a computer course at the Open University, and in a preparatory course for psychometric exams. , He will always remember that he was a handsome young man, especially smart, with a quick and sharp eye Put, situations and events, very sober and critical. And from this came love, joy of life, and extraordinary support for the people he loved and admired (though often wrapped in transparent cynicism), and on the other hand sharp, witty and sometimes even virulent criticism of superiors, authority, and people who did not appreciate or part of their path. These two sides experienced his friends, teachers, commanders and commanders in the army, as well as his family. At home, Guy could have been a loving, giving, center of light and warmth. But sometimes, when he did not agree with a situation, behavior, attitude, etc., he could release unbridled and piercing criticism, accompanied by concealment of the face. And you would stand before another guy – who was deliberately blocked by the light and the heat – until the inevitable reconciliation that no one else would come. “On September 27, 1996, about a month before his service ended, Guy fell in battle in Tulkarm, To rescue Chief Superintendent Shimon Dayan, who was hit by Palestinian sniper fire and was lying on the dirt embankment that separated the base from the city of Tulkarem. All this is on the last day of the four days of violent conflict that broke out following the opening of the Western Wall tunnel. Guy was twenty-two years old when he fell. He was buried in a cemetery in Hibat Zion. Yigal, Guy’s father, wrote: “Guy did not get longevity, and he fell at the age of twenty-two years and two months, but it seems that the quality of his life is derived from a very clear and self-conscious awareness of his thoughts, feelings, family, friends, environment and systems. I feel that Sagi, in his unique way, has managed a quarter of his life cycle more than most of us complete in a full cycle. “

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