Samo, Yitzhak (Jack, Jackie)

Samo, Yitzhak (Jack, Jackie)

Yitzhak (Jackie), son of Penina and Meir, was born on the 26th of Sivan, June 11, 1931 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In 1939, at the age of seven, he immigrated to Israel. He studied in Kfar HaNoar in son of Shemen and then learned metalwork in the “Sadan” factory in Tel Aviv and was a member of the youth movement “HaNoar HaOved”. Yitzhak later moved to Haifa and served in the Palmach. He was among the first to enlist in full active service, even before he was drafted. Yitzhak was gifted with “street smarts”. He loved life, freedom, friendship- and only those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for such values taste the depth of life. He once said, “Everything depends on us – we will achieve everything if we are elevated and deserve it.” Yitzhak fell during the conquest of Haifa, on the fourth day of Passover, 19th of Nissan, 28.4.1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. He was 18 when he fell.

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