Samadja, Shirley

Samadja, Shirley

Ruthie and Eve’s daughter. Shirley was born at the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon on November 21, 1984. Sandwich girl, a younger sister to Aviel and a big sister to Orit. Shirley’s father was born on November 22, and he very much wanted his daughter to be born on the same date, which would be a birthday present, the family says, but she decided differently and left the world the day before, half an hour before midnight. Shirley was a comfortable, quiet, smiling baby. The first years of her life were in Ashdod, and once when she was in kindergarten, she became infected after playing with sand. In the hospital they wanted to shave her head to give her an infusion and antibiotics, her parents refused and promised that she would take the drugs without problems. And so it was, little Shirley drank the medicine like a big one and soon recovered. Shirley began her studies at the Re’im elementary school in Ashdod. At the beginning of first grade, she said to her mother: “The teacher is shouting too much, there was more fun in the kindergarten,” and the mother sat next to her in the classroom for a few days until she got used to it. Later, Shirley became an outstanding student, and this characterized her entire years of learning, as her parents heard with pride and happiness at a parents’ meeting. When Shirli finished first grade, the family moved to Azar, a regional community center south of Ashdod, and from second grade she attended the Regavim Regional School in Moshav Emunim. Shirley excelled in all subjects of study, and when she was in sixth grade, she was awarded a prize for excellence in her work on dogs. She received the prize at a ceremony held at Tel Aviv University. From elementary school Shirley continued to the regional high school in Moshav Beer Tuvia. She studied in the highest clusters and continued to stand out as an outstanding student. Once, when the math teacher suggested that Shirley would come down to make it easier for her, the opposite happened – Shirley saw it as the challenge of her own effort, and in this area she excelled as usual. In all her studies Shirley proved her determination, made a goal, and nothing stopped her on the way to her. Her own demands made her occasionally cry for a grade below one hundred, or decide to take a repeat exam. She graduated high school with high grades. Socially, too, Shirley stood out at school, and her academic achievements did not prevent her from finding time for friends, birthdays, parties and trips. She wanted to do as much as possible, liked to enjoy and enjoy, and her friends knew her as an “energy bomb” that wasted no time on sleep. “The only one who does not have to drink is to go wild at a party,” a friend described her. Reut, who studied with Shirley, wrote: “If they ask me who is the most joyful girl I know, it’s you … you are responsible for a large part of my happiness in my years at school.” At the same time, Shirley found time to work as a babysitter, as a teacher in tutoring and as a youth counselor, and to save money and finance herself. Shirley grew up to be a beautiful and well-groomed girl. Her external beauty did not overshadow her inner qualities, such as sensitivity, directness and humility, but with a layer of gentleness in order not to hurt the feelings of her surroundings. She loved all the members of her family, spoiled them all and cared for everyone; her younger brother and sister supported them all the steps, and Grandmothers and Grandfather displayed great love and respect, visiting them and representing all the grandchildren in their relationship to them. Shirley was particularly prominent in her good relations with her parents. She shared them in her life and her experiences, consulted with them on every subject and respected their words and advice. Shirley used to send notes and letters to her parents, to thank small things and to mention happy things. When terror stopped smoking, Shirley encouraged her by a small gift every day, and marked the anniversary celebration of the smoking cessation. Her father used to accompany her school trips for years, and when she wanted him not to “be ashamed” Shirley knew to gently hint to him, our daughterA time or a loving look that only the two of them knew. Only once did Shirley change her parents’ words to their chagrin, and despite their refusal she made a tattoo on her body in the shape of her favorite flower – a rose. Shirley played sports, swimming and playing tennis. At the age of fifteen, she moved to Eilat with a diving course. During her free time she loved playing the guitar, and was amazed to play the Beatles songs, Hebrew songs and more. From an early age she loved animals very much, and at home she raised a dog called Machu. Shirley enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces on 20 January 2003. She was assigned to the Engineering Corps, underwent a course on the subject of nuclear-chemical-biological materials, She proved herself as a joyous, sociable, and humorous soldier, and had excellent connections with her colleagues in the service, and Shirley was very motivated, her commanders say, and was loved and loved by her commanders, commanding and serving. She said, “How powerful can a smiling girl be? You and your crazy rhythm will always dance in my head. There is one side in me now, one side that will see things through your eyes, one side that will hear your voice and the lightness that poured on me when I cried. I’m so glad we met, Shirley. There is no other artillery like you in the world … “During her service, Shirley joined the mission of distributing Purim consignments to needy families, wrapped in a half-night package, the family said, and returned home at 3:30 am with Barak in her eyes because of the blessed work she was doing. During her service Shirley was promoted to the rank of corporal, and she commanded the 12th grade in the course of the course, during which Shirley’s relationship with Omer, her boyfriend, : “So many words we exchanged, hours and days of talking and it seemed that it could last forever. A time full of experiences, emotion and satisfaction. A period when there is something that will always remain is the memories of it … I can attest to how much I have changed thanks to you. You taught me how to be a shoulder and how a shoulder should be, to know how to take everything in proportion and to appreciate. It was only by looking at you that you could see the appreciation you had for every little detail, and how you noticed every little thing. “Shirley fell during her service on March 16, 2004. She was brought to rest In the military section of the cemetery in Beit Ezra, where she left parents, a sister and a brother, and Shirit’s sister Orit wrote during the shiva: “There are many people in the house, and everyone tells me to be strong for Mom and Dad. So I turn around, hugging and smiling. Just like you-a fake smile. Crying alone and running to the world of myself, to be strong for the others. I love you so much and even once in my life I did not tell you that. I’m sorry, I hope you hear now that I love you. It’s a shame that this is my chance to express my love to you, but it’s important for me to know that I love you so much and you have always been and will be my role model … “wrote Talia, a Shirley family member. You taught me a lot. I love you for all the love you have given without consideration … I do not think there is one situation I remember with you that you were not amazing. “My son, Shirley’s acquaintance and the family, wrote:” Shirley – that’s a song, a melody, a melody. Which makes you happy. So why is it the opposite, shock, boom, sorrow and grief? You were the missing thing for all of us, in a country full of sorrow. You were the flowering fieldsBlooming spring. You were an eternal spring, an eternal, vibrant joy. You were a sea of ​​contagious love … If only for a moment you knew what sorrow and grief were, maybe everything would have been different … “Her father wrote by Shirley’s name:” A rose of love and grace of life and sadness / About the world / fighting happily and not giving up / unit, faithful, beloved, in our hearts forever. “Ortal, Shirley’s soldier in the army, wrote:” … I miss, miss you terribly. See the feedback you wrote me, miss and cry. See your pictures with the ponytail, and the hat, and the uniform, and the curls, and I do not know what to do … But I thank you. I say thank you for turning me into a soldier, an instructor, teaching me to see things differently, to laugh and get excited about small things. And I hope you are good now, and that you are still smiling, but really smiling … “Shahar, a soldier who served with Shirley:” There are people in the world who have a weakness when you look at them. There are people in the world who talk and you shudder at the words that come out of their mouths. You’re one of those people, and you represent a lot to me. Thank you for everything you gave me. “On Yom Hazikaron, 2011, Shir’s father, Yves, delivered a speech at the ceremony:” And on this day they are all here, returning to our hearts, returning to us all, touching the painful wound, You are here again, as if the lead is still hot, as if your time is not passing, I want to hug you … Dear families, Uriati Avieli, I hug you and want you to know that I am here and I promise not to forget you. To Ruthie, Ruthie said, “… I find myself minimizing your name, having trouble remembering, running away from pictures that testify to happy days, I know that this is not the solution, and that we will soon have to find Soft live near you without fear of collapse. Maybe with time of completion will … I want to believe with all my strength, all my heart, that calm will come. The hearts always, we love you “. “Today my speeches on the memorial day were for the audience that is here, but today Shirley I want to talk to you … Shirley Sherry, you’re missing us at any moment, the head says something and the heart is something else. To hear that your girlfriend is getting married, but I will not dance at your wedding, and my heart hurts, I’m glad to hear that your peers are graduating, but I’ll never know what you would have learned, and my heart hurts.I see a new baby born and you will never have children, The holidays come and go and you are not around the table, you will not taste the cake I baked or the pizza I make on Memorial Day. I can not photograph you anymore, only the pictures from the past that have become a treasure that we are afraid of losing, I will not buy you a new outfit or shoes, you Shirley, who was so sick of the size of your legs. And I believe it with all my heart, but my heart will always hurt, and you will miss Shirley forever. ” Shirley was immortalized in several ways: In October 2011, between the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 5772, a performance was held in Yad LaBanim in Ashdod, in memory of Shirli in the organization Avia Eve, where family members, friends, soldiers from the base where she served and those who served with her, “Songs and Feelings Between the Water and the Heavens with Shirley Z”, the father and the base commander spoke, and then a selection of blues songs, soul songs and the Beatles’ songs were performed by singers Eyal Peretz and Danny Robas, accompanied by a full orchestra. The show can be viewed on YouTube in several parts. At Givat Yona in Ashdod, a hill overlooking the sea and the port where Shirli loved to travel, roses were planted in her memory.In the community where it grew, the number of memorials in its memory was made. The family and friends planted the “Shirley Garden”, which has many trees and flowers. In the heart of the settlement a library and the “Shir Belev” club were established in its name. A “Holy Ark” in memory of Shirley was placed in the local synagogue “Parar to Shlomo”. On her birthday, November 2011, a ceremony was held in which a Torah scroll was inserted in her memory.

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