Sabag, Abraham

Sabag, Abraham

Abraham, son of Esther and Nissim, was born on 28.1.1952 in Casablanca, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1962. He studied at the French school “Alliance” in his hometown, after his family immigrated to Israel and settled in Upper Nazareth Where he studied at the “Porat Yosef” Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he moved to Ashdod and moved to the Makif High School and completed four years of study in bookkeeping. And his faith in the God of Israel, where he was educated in the city of his birth in a foreign country and educated by Jews and Zionists, and was nurtured by the love of the Land of Israel and the people of Israel. He later undertook to educate soldiers in the IDF to believe in Jewish values ​​when he served as a symbol of religion. He was a modest, timid boy, whose delicacy had reached shyness. All his actions were done secretly and discreetly, as he moved away from the publicity. Avraham was a lover of society and always willing to help friend and friend. He gave him a good atmosphere, which stemmed from his goodness, his judgment, and his confidence in his faith. Thanks to these qualities, he was accepted and admired in every society. He knew how to influence his friends and direct their behavior. His friends from the school remember how the whole class once decided to act against the school’s orders, and Avraham was the only one who sounded like a teacher. He managed to convince his classmates to follow suit, and after everyone realized that his path was right and right, they followed him. He never caused teachers or students to complain about him. His teachers thought he was an outstanding student, who would achieve outstanding achievements, while his friends saw him not only as a friend and a friend but as a leader and a guide. He wanted to continue his studies, began planning his future, and set goals and challenges for himself. It was clear to everyone that his willpower and perseverance would be able to meet all the tasks he had set for himself. His fall in the battle of Abraham, the believer and lover of life, interrupted his path and prevented the completion of his plans. Avraham was drafted into the IDF in early August 1972, and was trained to serve as a religious non-commissioned officer and was sent to serve in the Armored Corps in the Sinai. The unit was responsible for providing religious services to the soldiers, but this was not enough. He saw a duty to increase Jewish consciousness among the soldiers and to increase their attachment to the values ​​of Jewish tradition. He saw himself as a messenger for a commandment and fulfilled his role with faith and devotion. On the eve of the Day of Atonement, 5734 (1974), he stopped his vacation and returned to the stronghold on the banks of the Suez Canal in order to be together with his soldiers during the fast and perform the Yom Kippur prayers. (7.10.1973), Avraham was killed and killed while serving as a combat soldier and was brought to rest at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem, leaving behind his parents, three brothers and three sisters. To the bereaved family, Rabbi Lt. Col. Shimon Refico wrote: “Your dear son, who was charged with verifying the execution of orders and instructions on matters of religion, He was gifted with a pure fear of God, who received his education in the home of his great parents and teachers. He succeeded, exceptionally, in contributing to the values ​​of the Sabbath, purity of the table and the sanctity of the camp in the difficult place where he served. Dear Parents – With all the pain and bereavement, you can be proud of your holy son, who, through devotion and supreme sacrifice, has been one of the many supporters of raising the spiritual tension in Israel’s heroism and sanctifying the name of God in the defense of the people. They set up school at the schoolHigh School-Comprehensive A memorial plaque inscribed with the names of the schoolchildren who fell in battle; They also published a booklet containing the words of teachers and friends about his character.

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