Saadad, Eliahu (Eli)

Saadad, Eliahu (Eli)

Eliyahu (Eli), son of Yehudit and Yehia, was born on August 12, 1954, in Moshav Geulim, He attended elementary school in Tnuvot and in the “Netorim” high school. As part of the Gadna activities, he participated in a course for commanders and was an outstanding and beloved instructor for his apprentices. Eli was a loving and devoted son to his parents. He was interested in the development of the economy, and at every leisure hour, he worked the land. Order and cleanliness were very important to him. He never rejected a task to be done, and among his friends, he excelled in his devotion to the cause. In particular, he liked to nurture the garden of the house, planting grass and watering it and even adding ornamental plants.
Eliyahu was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of November 1972 and assigned to the Armored Corps. As part of his service, he took a course in caterpillar drivers and the Zelda drivers course. During the Yom Kippur War he served as an armored personnel carrier on the northern front, and on October 11, 1973, his armored personnel carrier was hit by enemy fire, which also hit Bali and he fell. A friend who met Eli at the height of the war told his parents: “I met Eli and he told me that for three days he did not close his eyes, I saw it in his eyes, he looked exhausted, he told me that this was the third company he had replaced in the war, And had rescued more than a hundred and seventy casualties. He told me that Eli had done an outstanding job and that he was very impressed by Eli’s great devotion to ” He was brought to rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl and left behind his parents, brother and three sisters, and after his death he was promoted to the rank of corporal.

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