Rotkovitz, Ido

Rotkovitz, Ido

Son of Alexander and Dora. He was born on January 21, 1952 in Tel Aviv. He attended the “Jubilee” elementary school and spent three years in the Geula high school in the real world. From there he moved to the Air Force Technical School in Haifa and completed his studies there as an electronics technician, among the top five students in the class. He was an excellent athlete, excelled at the bowling game and was active in the Gadna, participated in the 1968 march and received a “Sports Medal” certificate from the Ministry of Education and Culture. He loved to travel in Israel and during his vacations he used to ride horses together with his friends. He liked music very much and listened to every new album that appeared. Ido was devoted to his parents and sister, a pleasant and courteous boy with a generous and noble spirit, a lover and a lover of all his friends and teachers. His friends said they never saw Ido without a smile on his face, for he was always cheerful and full of joy. His educator wrote about him in a pamphlet published after his death: “He had bright, smiling eyes and above all polite and good hearted – ‘gentleman.'” Ido was drafted into the IDF in February 1970 and volunteered to serve in the Israel Air Force, on the day he was awarded the rank of sergeant, on the day he was awarded the rank of sergeant, he was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. “You can be proud that your son served in our unit with a dedicated and loyal service and was one of the most prominent soldiers in the unit, especially in the social sphere, where he took a very active part and made his mark on the environment.” Yashir wrote about him in a booklet that was published in his memory: “His human attitude and his great devotion to his friends made him one of the popular soldiers In the unit. “Thirty” downfall gathered his friends told him and praised him; relatives had a son and his name is called Israel Ido; remember immortalized in light of the booklet issued by the family as “refined”.

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