Rotem (Rodkov), Avinoam

Rotem (Rodkov), Avinoam

Son of Moshe and Tova. Born on March 20, 1947 in Kibbutz Shamir, Kibbutz Shamir grew up and was educated in an educational institution in the Upper Galilee, and from his childhood he was very curious, puzzled and amazed at everything that was going on around him. , As if he wanted to know what it was, and when his parents came to visit him at the educational institution he drew encouragement and encouragement from them, but over time Avinoam developed a special force of adolescence – , Including a desire to be like all the children in the institution Avinoam has the ability to express himself in painting He used to draw horses and animals in motion, with extraordinary patience to take care of every detail, his hands were always filled with work, he would find various objects and junk and use them as a material to do something. He was a muscular, strong and quick boy who excelled in gymnastics, sports, and group games, and was a good friend to all the children when he shared everything with him and so everyone loved him. When he grew up he read a lot of books – especially literature. He liked to listen to classical and modern music, and especially loved Negro songs and folk songs. He had a Yaffa voice and he loved to sing and also loved poetry and poetry, especially the poems of contemporary poets. Sometimes he would organize reading evenings of modern poetry in his room. His favorite hobby was metal fission and metal and woodwork. He was a sensitive, sensitive, sensitive boy who loved the most Yaffa in the world. He liked to talk and argue about various subjects and was able to sit for hours on end and try to convince his friend that his views were right. He liked life, the good joke, and the laugh. Avinoam was drafted into the IDF in November 1966. He was a young boy when he went to the army and at first, when his parents knew that his health was poor, they were anxious and worried about him, but Avinoam demanded stubbornly not to be exceptional. He loved his tank, the senator, and his friend once said that the senator would not replace any tank, he was very interested in military problems, and on one vacation from an officers’ course he discussed with his fellow in the program he conducted for the exercise In command problems, he made a situation assessment that indicated accuracy and clear perception. He rose to the rank of lieutenant before he completed his compulsory service, then served as a platoon commander on the canal line and took part in the Karameh operation, his Lev full of security, and his many letters encouraging his mother: “Everything will pass peacefully.” , His kibbutz and the entire family, he was entirely in the army, but his Lev was at home, and when he came for a short vacation his hands were full of work near the house, the garden, the lawn, the pruning of trees and the cultivation of his room. His direct duty. When he completed his regular service and was a deputy company commander, he volunteered for an additional period of service with his unit in the canal area. At the same time, he made plans on how to continue his life on the kibbutz, set him a job and dreamed of continuing his studies. On the 16th of Tevet 5716 (16.12.1969), he fell in battle on the banks of the canal and was brought to eternal rest on Kibbutz Shamir, and after his fall a file called “Avi” was published, containing the words of his friends and fragments of his letters.Uri, his works during various periods of his short life; His name was also commemorated on a monument erected in memory of the kibbutz members who fell in Israel’s wars. The monument stands next to the kibbutz sports field.

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