Rosenblit, Chaim

Rosenblit, Chaim

Chaim, son of Pesia and Avraham Rosenblit, was born in 1918 in a village near Lubomil, Poland, to a well-to-do family of farmers. He was educated in Torah and labor, and in 1935 he joined a kibbutz. After the outbreak of the Second World War he fled to the forests, He then joined the “Negev” group of partisans in Germany, and after a period of suffering, he joined the Kinneret group in 1946 in aliyah. After the War of Independence he enlisted and served in the Golani Brigade, participated in guarding the Gush, and later went on to fight the Syrians when they invaded the Jordan Valley on May 16, 1948. In this battle he fell, on the ninth of Iyar 5708 (18.5.1948). He was laid to rest in a grave in the military cemetery in Degania Aleph. After his death his wife gave birth to a girl.

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