Ronen, Noam

Ronen, Noam

Ben Nitza and Moshe. He was born on 21 October 1972 in Ramat Gan. A third son of a family of four. Noam was seven years old when his father was killed in a car accident. Noam studied at the Bechor Levy Elementary School in Rehovot and the Amos De-Shalit High School, and was active in the Scouts movement, a pleasant and smiling boy, loved and accepted by his peers, friends and friends. He always took responsibility, and everything he did, he aspired to perform in full.In late November 1990, Noam was recruited for compulsory military service in the IDF. He completed the tests at the recruiting center with very high data, with few medical restrictions. At the end of the basic training, he was assigned to the maintenance corps and sent immediately to a course for commanders and a course for maintenance inspectors. Noam received the rank of corporal and was assigned to serve as a quartermaster in the 52nd Battalion. After a period, Noam was sent to a basic officer’s training course and was sent to serve as a maintenance officer at the base of the Signal Corps. “Noam was an excellent commander, but especially in terms of his personal relations with the soldiers he commanded, and one of his subordinates said:” Noam was a son of Noam, A man who loves to admire him for his actions … “The officers’ opinion read:” A young officer performs his duties in Tel Aviv Booth, professionally … punctual and dedicated … honest and reliable … “. On G Bayer Tsn”g (27/04/1993) fell Noam while serving. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his mother, brother – Guy and two sisters – Shirley and Dana. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Noam was an exemplary officer with values, always with initiative … A personal example of his subordinates … Noam left several songs that testified to his special and sensitive personality. “Noam wrote:” Women cry loudly, mothers cry out / children grow up without fathers / fathers, they died in silence with their sons in the ground / all respect for them … “.

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