Roller, Yitzhak (“Yismar”)

Roller, Yitzhak (“Yismar”)

YItzhak, the son of Rabbi son of-Zion and Esther Roller, was born in Romania. In 1951, Yitzhak immigrated to Israel with his mother. Their absorption was difficult. At first they lived in a poor apartment in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem. Despite his being an only child and supporting his sick and elderly mother, he did not want to exempt himself from military service and therefore told his mother, “Here everyone must defend his country and his home.” After completing his service he began studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. After the two years of his studies he was called to fight in the Six-Day War, where he fell in a battle that was held south of the Rafah junction on the first day of the battles, on 26 June 1967. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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