Rofeh, Ilan

Rofeh, Ilan

Son of Rina and Aaron. He was born in Yehud on June 6, 1961. An only son with two sisters – Amalia and Aviva. He studied at the David Remez Elementary School in Yahud and at the Motzkin High School in Tel Aviv, where he completed his studies in the professional track: Ilan’s body was thin, his height was average, and his head had golden curls that were his familiar symbol. When his friends encountered any problems, they would turn to him for advice and always find time to help them and find a solution. “His character, Aviva, described him:” A handsome boy, a warm boy, his and his beloved , A boy whom we aspired to be like. A boy who could do anything. Loved animals and helped everyone. Loved life, liked to travel, and live the moment. There was nothing he could not repair, renovate, and assemble. He had gold hands. Technical sense is developed. He was strong, intelligent and honest, brave, loyal, sensitive and forgiving. His smile could be seen in any situation. Ilan was drafted into the IDF on April 22, 1979, and after a brief training he was stationed at an air force anti-aircraft base in Herzliya, was a model soldier who received a certificate of appreciation for his excellence in fulfilling his duties. On 18 March 1982, Ilan was married to a unit in the Signal Corps in the south, where he served until his last day, and in August 1982 Ilan married his son Ziva, whom he met at the age of seventeen, Born in May 1984, Shiran, who was born in June 1987, and Ron, who was born in July 1988. Ilan worked for the company “Akir” in the role of foreman, and was a devoted worker who loved his job and A special relationship was established between him and Gil, the company’s manager, Ilan loved life and enjoyed every moment, never complained and always received everything with love and understanding, and he traveled with his family and friends and was loved and loved by all. On Sunday, 1 December 1997, he received a vacation and made his way to his home in the afternoon, and he was seriously injured and rushed to the hospital, after two days of fighting on his life on Thursday, December 3, 1997), Ilan died of his wounds. He was thirty-six years old when he fell. Ilan was brought to rest in the military section of the military cemetery in Yehud. Survived by Raya, two daughters and a son, parents and two sisters. On his grave, the commander of the Liaison Battalion, Lt. Col. Yoni Levkovitz, said to him: “We, your commanders and comrades, are shocked and hurt with all your friends. Ilan served in our unit for about fifteen years. During this period, he was discovered as a soldier and a model member, who performs every task entrusted to him in the best possible manner with dedication and personal responsibility. You never complained and did not give up any task. There are no words that can fill the vast gap that has been opened. “May your memory be blessed.” Shlomo Bakshi, the mayor of Yehud, said: “Ilan was born in Yehud, blossomed and blossomed to glory as befits his name, and was like a sturdy tree that stood firm and upright. Ilan was one of the graduates of the comprehensive high school in Yehud, where he met Ziva and his wife. Their love and family life were an example to all their acquaintances. Ilan had gold and a unique technical sense that impressed all his acquaintances. He did his regular service in the air force, and in the reserves he was transferred to the Signal Corps. He soon became the mainstay of the divisional division to which he was assigned. Everyone loved him very much. … From the family a son and father were taken, and we were missing a friend and an evil friend. The traffic accidents, the silent enemy from home, struck us again unexpectedly, and we had no choice but to ask why? And comfort”Ilan’s family published a memorial book bearing his name, and his life story, pictures from various life stations, and things written and commemorated in his memory are written on his home page:” On the sixth anniversary of your death we wrote, collected and gleaned from the little we succeeded in writing . It is unbearable to you. Too soon you left this world and left each of us hallucinating: How did this happen? It does not make sense! There are many other things between you and me. As a tree at the height of its splendor you were: your branches were woven, your flowers blossomed, and your roots deepened. The establishment of a home in Israel, you were a loving husband to your wife, a devoted father to your children, a precious son to your parents and a loyal friend who always helps with modesty and smile. “The heart is like a wound that bleeds and refuses to be healed,” Ziva wrote. “The heart is like a wound that bleeds and refuses to be healed. Nothing can express what I feel. There are no words that can express love and longing for you. I do not think of you as a person who has disappeared, but as a loved one who has traveled for a long and long journey. Ilan, you gave your children and me the best years we had. “You are like a falling star, like a deep and beautiful night, like a moon shining from afar, like a stormy sea and sometimes a calm one. You are a sweet memory that awakens longing. You are a dream that goes, moves away, disappears and never comes back. … May your spirit remain forever living within us and will continue to smile at us from heaven. “Shiran wrote:” … the longing for you can not be described. You were more than anything. More than anything important. Together we will always remember you, and from the example that you were, we will draw the strength to continue. … In my heart I shall be forever saved. “Ron wrote, the youngest son:” … since you have gone everything has changed. Life with you was an experience. A perfect life that was interrupted after such a short time. The father-son relationship that existed between us was a model that everyone could only dream about. I learned a lot from you. You gave me confidence, and you were a paternal figure who was always there for me. … No matter where I am and what I do, I always think about you, and in my heart I consult with you, ask and think what you are, Father, you would say. His brother Amalia wrote: “Who believed that I, your older sister, would perpetuate my strong little brother, the brother who never feared, the brother who always cared for the parents and who always represented his family proudly, the talented and diligent brother with the golden hands who knew everything and always helped The optimistic brother who did not even think for a minute that it would happen, that he would have to leave so much sorrow and pain to the many people who loved him …. As a brother, as a father, as husband and son, you were a source of strength And light. “A beautiful, plump child with golden curls / a boy whom everyone loved to kiss, but he did not like it / a handsome boy, a warm boy, his and his loved ones were A boy who wanted to be like him / a boy who knew how to do everything / liked to build kites and wear them / loved airplanes. He built models and the pilot / loved to dismantle motorcycles and assemble them / loved animals and help everyone. He built a beautiful family / loved life, loved to travel and live the moment / there was nothing he could not repair, renovate and build gold hands. The death of Ilan is not fair, the death is terrible and evil / Only words, pain and amazement remain. My brother, I see you in my memory alive, bright, strong and laughing. “Sivan wrote:” A beloved uncle, from the moment you left the worldHas changed. The joy of life and happiness that characterized the family disappeared. Suddenly you left, and with you the smile that no longer lit the house that had become sad and quiet. The words and the laughter that always made everyone cheer up, never come back. … There are no words that can describe the feelings of pain, sadness and longing that I feel, “wrote his manager and friend, Gil:” Justice guides you every step of the way. … In the course of time, new employees worked with you, and soon they became your ardent admirers because of your professional ability, your speed, and your respect for them. … Over the years you have made innumerable projects. … efficiency and purposefulness were a central motif in the performance of the work. … No doubt, you won more than all of us, because you loved and enjoyed the work of execution, and as the years passed, and the projects became increasingly complicated, the greater your enjoyment of performance. … Your high technical ability and work ethic have impressed us every time. … Today, six years later, it seems that only a few months have passed since you left us. … Ilan, you were more to us than a star, almost like the sun. We all loved you around you. Your kindness, your inner and outer honesty, your abilities, which amazed us every time anew, and, of course, humility that made all of us love you. … I do not know if you knew how much I learned from you, and how well I had your good advice on the field. You had no competitors. … Now that we are left alone, we promise you that we will never forget you. “His colleague, Itzik, wrote:” … I had the strength and the ability to work together, taught me everything you knew and enriched me with a great deal of professional knowledge. I have always seen myself as your faithful disciple and right hand. I saw you not only as a co-worker, but as a child. “I have come to know a beautiful, practical, decent man, a workman, a friend and an exemplary family man, a man with the soul of an angel, always an example. Everyone was devoted to work, to his knowledge of various methods and tools, and was very dominant in the field, but the only thing that mattered to him was the dear family … Ilan was always determined to help his friends. Ilan would not hesitate for a moment and went to help immediately, always offering and contributing power, always stood by the friend who needed him, and always were And the small but important tips, best care and willingness, not once or twice I needed them. … first-class person, and the first in line. Ilan, your character and your memory will be cherished always before me at all times, and missing you always hurt me. ” We have only the memories and the longings: / Longing for you, / For your hoarse voice, / For your laugh that is heard far away and still echoes in our heads, / The brown curls that have fallen on your shoulders / And now life goes on without you / Every day that goes by will not stop thinking about you / Although you are not here next to us / But forever will remain deep within our hearts. ” Yossi and Sigal Alalouf wrote: “You were always a role model, and I kept telling myself that if there were other people like you, this world would look a bit different … I look at your picture and see how happy you were. You were a special person … Ilan, you were something special for us: a calm, calm person, Smiling, forgiving and yielding … … friend, you are very lacking. ” Wrote a childhood friendnMa’on: “Ilan was a serious child with a deep and creative mind … Those who did not know Ilan lost a wonderful personality, a wonderful father and a true friend.

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