Reuveni, Jonathan

Reuveni, Jonathan

Yonatan, son of Ziva and Meir, was born on February 5, 1951 in Kibbutz Evron Yonatan was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in late October 1969. After completing his basic training, he was sent to a tank commander course and was assigned to a tank unit in the Golan Heights. He was a good soldier and a talented commander and loved by all his subordinates. His commanders said that he “fulfilled all the tasks entrusted to him with courage, talent and sacrifice.” True, he did not like army life and military in general, but he was disciplined and responsible for fulfilling his duties. He was treated humanely by subordinates, not by virtue of rank, but always tried to explain and persuade. Therefore, he appreciated the affection of the unit’s soldiers and commanders. During the Yom Kippur War, Yonatan took part in the battles against the Syrians in the Golan Heights. On the 17th of Tishrei 5734 (October 13, 1973), his crew was evacuated to the rear after his tank was damaged during the fierce battles. The tired staff was given a short rest, but when a request was made for two volunteers to return to the front to man the tanks, Jonathan volunteered to return to the battlefield. On his way back to the battle, he was injured in the shelling and died of his wounds, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in ‘Abrun, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister.

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