Reich, Moshe (Misha Moishe)

Reich, Moshe (Misha Moishe)

Son of Tzippora and Zvi, was born on 18.10.1927 in Safed. His father, a member of the Third Aliyah, a veteran of the Haganah and its activists, and his mother, who was a member of a family rooted in Israel for many generations, decided to live in the Nesher neighborhood near Haifa. Moses was raised in the spirit of heroism and freedom and love of the homeland. He studied at the elementary school for workers’ children in Nesher and graduated from the Technion vocational school in Haifa, where he acquired the profession of regrets. He was a working person, ready to help others, strong and healthy, cheerful and kind. His first place of work was at the port shipyards in Haifa. During the Second World War he wanted to enlist in the army, but was not authorized to do so by the Hagana headquarters. He joined the Nutras in Hanita and was active in guarding the Galilee settlements. When he was discharged from this service, he joined as a partner in a mechanical repair shop for motors, and here he showed great talent as an excellent mechanic. With the UN General Assembly resolution of 29 November 1947 on the division of the country into two states and the outbreak of the War of Independence, he immediately placed himself among the first fighters, left his job and although his superiors demanded that he be confined to his work, he urged them to join him in a combat unit. In the 7th Brigade, and in its ranks fought in the Latrun sector, during the breakthrough of the “Burma Road” to Jerusalem, security in the “200 Regiment” and the heavy bombardment of the Legion by this Legion, which fell on Wednesday, June 11, 1948. He was buried in Na’an. On the 2nd of Sivan 5710 (18.5.1948) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa.

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