Raviv, Aharon (“Roni”)

Raviv, Aharon (“Roni”)

Their son was the firstborn of Avraham (Heinz) Rosenzweig-Raviv, who immigrated to Israel from Slovakia and Tirza (nee Trek), born in Jerusalem. Born on 21.12.1948 in Haifa, when he was six years old, his family moved to the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, where his father worked, and the Institute’s research and research atmosphere influenced him and from a young age he continued to study and especially to study chemistry. Samilansky Elementary School and studied for two years at a high school in Rehovot. He was a member of the Scout movement and was active in sports, especially in swimming and cycling. During the summer vacation after the 10th grade, he participated in the camp’s first class for the “Youth of Science” at the Weizmann Institute. When his father suddenly died, Roni, who was the eldest of the four brothers, took the burden of caring for his younger brothers. Helped them with their studies and tried to ease the burden on his mother. The family moved to Jerusalem and Roni graduated from the Hebrew University High School. After passing the matriculation exams, he participated in the 8th International Youth Forum for Science-Based Youth in London. In September 1966, when Roni was drafted into the IDF, he decided to postpone his service and continue to study chemistry in the framework of the academic reserve at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. And the protection of Kibbutz Re’im opposite the Gaza Strip, and returned to studies after the war, but the new situation created and the IDF’s need for soldiers convinced him that it was not time to study. Ronny was not a military man. He did not believe that wars solved problems, and even though he aspired to finish his studies, to return to the Weizmann Institute, to continue with his father’s work, which was stopped at no time, and to fulfill his duties under the guidance of his younger brothers, he decided to finish his exams and enlist in the IDF. He took a platoon commander’s course, a parachuting course and an officer’s course. After the course he was given a paratroopers command and he invested all his energies in turning them into excellent fighters. Roni was meticulous about perfect performance and rewarded with punishment for deviation and negligent performance. But at the same time, when an apprentice was accepted for an interview, he was willing to do anything to help him. He was attentive and understood his soldiers and they came out of an interview with him, convinced that there was no other commander like him (one of his pupils said). Ronny would talk little and would not tell the house what he had done or what he had been through. Even when he was sent with his platoon during the height of the War of Attrition to the northern sector of the Suez Canal, the most difficult and most difficult, he told his mother that he had been stationed in the quietest and most secure area. In the letter to the family, his commanding officer wrote: “One of the officers of the battalion was lost to his commanders, and he was sent to the cemetery on Mount Herzl and on the 9th of Iyar 5705 (May 14, 1970) His friends – a devoted and loyal friend, and his soldiers – a meticulous and thorough commander, after whom they went to training and to combat – – – Ronny rose up and up in us. “

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