Raved, Moshe

Raved, Moshe

Was born in the city of Staszow, Poland to a family of work people, and attended elementary school when he was 12 and joined the “Haoved Hazioni” movement, and immediately became a leader in the movement. His family immigrated to Israel, but Moshe stayed abroad to train in the movement and even went to agricultural training in Czestochowa, where he wished to become a farmer in the homeland, and in 1939 he immigrated to Israel on the ship “Assimi” and joined the Nitzanim group. And in the construction work and with the cost of the group on its soil was among the designers of its image as the center of the agriculture Moshe liked his work in the cowshed, tractor and worked in He was active in the cultural life of the Yishuv, and for one year he guided the immigrant youth in the educational institution, was an athlete and loved to organize various games. The Egyptians realized that this point could serve as the basis for the activity of our forces in the rear and therefore concentrated considerable force to conquer it. The Egyptian attack was launched on June 7, 1948. In the early hours of the night, the agriculture was severely shelled, and in the morning the infantry assault began, but this was stopped by the defenders. The Egyptians increased the shelling and even activated planes that bombed the agriculture and caused heavy damage. Under this cover, Egyptian infantry and armored forces advanced and managed to penetrate the agriculture and take control of it. This battle fell on the day of the 29th of Iyar 5708 (7.6.1948). He was laid to rest at the cemetery in Nitzanim. He left behind a wife and two children. His memory was included in the booklet “Nitzanim under siege and in battle”.

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