Ramon, Lior

Ramon, Lior

Ben Tovah and Peter. Born on July 13, 1975 in Tel Aviv, Lior began his elementary school in the United States, where his family went to school, and when they returned to Israel, Lior was admitted to the Ben Tzvi elementary school in Holon and went on to school He graduated from elementary school in Ramat Gan, where he completed eighth grade, and Lior graduated from the Blich High School in Ramat Gan with an advanced track in exact sciences, and was well-known as a sociable person, full of joy and a sense of humor. Lior enlisted in the IDF, in the Nahal Brigade, after training in the Infantry Brigade, in a training base of the Nahal Brigade, in a training unit for the Engineering Company, And courses commanders and noncommissioned grade explosives. After completing a course in the engineering corps, Lior went to an infantry officers’ course, where he arrived at the staff in November 1994. With his crew, he completed a course and boarded a line in Lebanon. Lior stood out as a professional and caring officer, who established facts on the ground and received great respect from his commanders and subordinates. He was to be appointed deputy company commander. On June 10, 1996, Lior fell in combat in Lebanon, in the eastern sector of the security zone. A force from the Nahal Brigade, returning to the “pumpkin” post from a night mission in the area of ​​the Ali Taher ridge, was ambushed by a Hezbollah force, which opened fire from close range and from various directions. The soldiers of the force, as expected, fired back at the terrorists and killed one of them, during which Lior Yishai Shachter, Staff Sergeant Idan Gabriel, Sgt. Eshel Amir Ben Moshe and Sergeant Yaniv Roimi were killed. He was laid to rest at the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery in Tel Aviv, and was left at the age of twenty-one, leaving his parents and sister Adi. “The commander of the Nahal Brigade told him about his grave and said,” We valued you as an outstanding officer, and at the beginning of the week the company commander told me that you were supposed to be his deputy and I was happy, and yesterday was a new day and a new reality. ” Colonel A. added: “You did the work in Lebanon for two years in the same sector, with the lights of the northern communities behind you. You did the job without knowing until when, without quirks or questions. I was proud to be your commander. We will continue with the pain, sorrow and memory of the mission. “In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote:” Lior served as a team commander in the engineering division of the Nahal Brigade and was described by his commanders as a professional and responsible officer who was willing to help those around him And was highly appreciated. “The unit commander wrote to the family:” Lior was a caring officer, kind, with a high personal level, thorough and professional. “The press extensively covered the battle that took place and brought the story of Lior and his friends who fell, and his friends set up a temporary monument to him on the cliff shore.

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