Rachamim, Avishai

Rachamim, Avishai

Son of Rahamim and a gift. He was born on 21.6.1954 in Afula and studied at Ramot Elementary School in Givat Hamoreh. Gordon in Jerusalem and graduated from Boyer High School in the capital. Throughout his studies at the various schools, Avishai stood out as an outstanding student. He joined the Betar youth movement in Jerusalem and asked to be active in the kibbutz, but after a short period of time he was forced to retire because of the heavy workload. In 1972, Avishai won first place in the karate competition and was awarded a trophy for his excellence, and then participated in several competitions between the YMCA team and the university team Avishai loved music and literature, he wrote guitar and read books Avishay was drafted into the IDF in August 1972 and was appointed to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Intelligence. He struggled for a long time to fulfill his request to volunteer for a combat unit – to serve as a parachutist or a soldier in a reconnaissance unit. After a while he was given a request and sent to basic infantry training, in order to train him as a parachutist. Avishai found it difficult to get into basic training three weeks after he began basic training. But soon, as his friends attested, he became the best recruit in the company. He encouraged those around him, took on tasks assigned to others to help them. Was the driving force of every journey and every arduous workout. “He was tough and serious and always insisted that he was right.” He often had to argue with his commanders long enough to convince them of his righteousness Avishay was among the best students and was sent to the course for squad commanders. Toward the end of the course, the Yom Kippur War broke out. And Avishai was sent along with his friends to the Suez Canal where he took part in stopping the Egyptian forces and then crossing the Suez Canal and capturing a compound in the area of ​​Ismailia, as his friends testify. Avishai was concerned about the peace of his father and brother, his friends in the unit and his friends from childhood, more than his own. After the war, he deliberated about his future career: Would he pay for an officer’s course? Would he spend a few months training? Avishai took a special approach to training and was based on mutual trust between his soldiers and his soldiers, and refrained from punishing them frequently. They adored him. “Avishay was assessed by his commanders as an excellent soldier and an excellent commander, and they chose him to carry out special missions and important missions.” On April 27, 1974, Avishai fell in battle for the Hermon from enemy shells. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, two brothers and two sisters. His family commemorated him by reading two classes at the National Religious Women’s Movement in Jerusalem in his name and in the renovation and expansion of the Ma’on Avishai residence.

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