Putzel, Zvi-Moshe

Putzel, Zvi-Moshe

Son of Margalit (Pearl) and Kalman (Kalonymus) was born in the city of Czestochowa, Poland, to religiously observant parents, and at the age of three the family settled in Danzig (which was a free city) (A Jewish book) In 1939 he sailed with his father to Eretz Israel (the mother and sister remained, due to the danger of the road, to immigrate later, but did not manage to die in the Holocaust) on the ship “Astir.” The ship was captured by the British and returned to the sea. Zvi was able to get to the Gaza coast on the Greek fishing ship “Mardes” and went on a short training course at the Youth Aliya in Kiryat Haim, where he moved to the settlement of Menahemia, where he studied for two years, son of-Shemen Youth: Zvi-Moshe excelled in his studies and was one of the pillars of the students’ society, and as a devoted and courageous young man came out of Kfar Hanoar, Excellent sapper. On the 14th of Adar I 5708 (February 14, 1948), another fighter, driving a car laden with explosives, blew up the Sheikh Hussein Bridge on the Jordan, near Beit She’an, and the driver was supposed to break through the checkpoint and get on the bridge and Zvi , The sapper was about to detonate the explosives, and despite the heavy fire of the legion guard he managed to get on the bridge with the vehicle, and the driver managed to jump to Jordan and rescue him. His memory was placed in a pamphlet in memory of the members of the group of the campers.

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