Proshnovski, Shlomo

Proshnovski, Shlomo

Shlomo, son of Sarah and David, a Holocaust survivor, was born on 21 January 1949 in Hadera. He studied at the Tachkemoni Elementary School in Netanya and continued his high school studies at the Bar-Ilan High School in Netanya. Shlomo was the only child of his parents, survivors of the Nazi atrocities. The day he was born was a Simcha day in the lives of Sarah and David, a sign of a new and wonderful way of life. From the moment of his birth his parents had been whole. As a child he was sick, struggling with childhood illnesses and severe dysentery. His mother did not spare a nap and sat for hours at his bedside, watching over her son, her “little angel.” When Shlomo was four years old, his parents moved to the old neighborhood of Netanya. Shlomo was educated in the neighborhood kindergarten and was known as a curious and alert child. Even in elementary school he was a fatigued child who really wanted to learn wisdom and knowledge. Shlomo was a quiet, polite and courteous child. He was fond of his teachers and classmates, and always willing to help a friend in trouble. After two years of study at the Bar-Ilan High School in Netanya, he decided to try his luck at a vocational high school and went to the technical school in Haifa. Shlomo was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement and took part in the activities of the Gadna, during trips and trips that took place within the framework of the movement and within the framework of the school. “In Netanya, he was a chess player who loved the sophistication and the intellectual challenge he had for many hours, sitting next to the chessboard and trying to find different solutions to a certain problem. Pride and joy in the present and in the future He was a mature and serious young man who knew what he had before him Brewer 1967 and assigned to the Signal Corps. He served as a liaison officer in a field unit in the south and spent two years serving as a liaison officer in a field unit in the south, where he was known as a good and devoted soldier, a faithful friend who understands the soul of others. When he was released, he married Edna, chose his Lev and established his home in Netanya, near his parents’ home, where he worked in an advertising agency and excelled in his work, and was always very attentive to the details. , Although only an employee was. I know that he was devoted to the enterprise just as he was devoted to his wife, his father and his mother. “Despite the fact that he did not live with his parents, he did not neglect them for a moment and came to visit them frequently and helped them with advice and action. Tzedek: “His way was through persuasion and understanding, but when it came to injustice, he would not forgive someone who hurt others.” On Yom Kippur, Shlomo and his wife were in the synagogue, as they did every year, after he had heard the news at two o’clock, He was restless, and when they did not come to call him, he sat like an insult. He thought that they had forgotten him, “said Edna, who left his home in the late afternoon and went to the southern front where he served as a radio and telephone operator in one of the largest bases in Sinai. Tishrei 5734 (8.10.1973) was killed in an air strike and brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Netanya, leaving behind a wife and parents, who was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and his mother did not last. David, was left in a broken letter to the bereaved family: “We, the commanders and soldiers of the unit,And silently recall the memory of Solomon. His memory will be preserved in the bundle of life, as a soldier devoted to his people and as a loyal friend of arms “

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