Primor (Plotzcker), Danny

Primor (Plotzcker), Danny

Danny, son of Tzila and Felix Primor, was born on the 21st of Adar 5714 (February 24, 1954). Danny was a handsome, tall, polite, and diligent student, he tried to achieve. He played piano and guitar. He had perseverance and the ability to sit for hours and devote himself to playing. He completed his studies at the Arnon Elementary School and from there moved to the Herzliya Gymnasium for a biological track. Danny graduated from the Gymnasium in 1972, Class C. Danny loved art very much, and often visited the theater and the cinema. Read books and liked sports, basketball, swimming, and tennis. Danny was always willing to help others, to listen to the problems of his friends and help them as best as he could. he had a poetic soul in him. He was romantic and wrote many songs. Romanticism was expressed in his works. A special relationship of friendship developed between him and his younger brother, Nitzan. Besides being brothers, they were good friends and had deep talks, discussing various problems and spending time together. Danny liked to work hard. During the summer vacation, he used to find hard work to save money and, according to him, to “develop physical fitness.” Danny was drafted into the IDF in August 1972 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he went to a combat unit and took courses in armor, a profession that was completely opposed to his character and delicacy because he did not like the toughness of soldiers and their commanders. He was able to take comfort in the thought of his girlfriend and his beloved family and to encourage their love, And his friends, and they became a cohesive group of friends, willing to do everything He was very attached to his unit and on company nights he used to play his guitar with a friend and to amuse his friends He had a special sense of humor for situations of distress He would pronounce a good sentence that would relieve tension and make people laugh, When he was at the base, they would come to visit him, and when he left, he would wrap himself in a sad silence: he loved his family and his girlfriend and had a strong bond with them. The company went up to Nafah to deploy and take up positions. Then she moved forward and gathered in the area of ​Kibbutz Elrom. The main tasks of the commando unit were to rescue victims and to secure trucks of arms and supplies. 5734
On Tuesday, October 9, 1973, when the reconnaissance unit was in the Bukata area, it was ordered to prepare a line of bravery against the Syrian infantry forces, and by noon a commando force from the elite of the Syrian army had been stationed in the area. When the unit left for the enemy and in a cruel and bloody battle, Danny was killed and was brought to rest in the military section of the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. He left behind his parents and brother, and was awarded the rank of sergeant.

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