Poznanski, Yitzhak (Poza, Itzik)

Poznanski, Yitzhak (Poza, Itzik)

Yitzchak (Poza, Itzik), son of Yehudit and Avraham Poznanski, was born on July 15, 1923, in Lodz, Poland. He immigrated to Israel with his parents, where he completed elementary school and continued on to high school to learn commerce. The school principal tried to influence him and his parents to continue his studies, in which he excelled. He agreed to continue his studies for another year, but despite his parents’ pleas he did not further his studies after that.
His friends in the “Ha-Mahanot Ha’olim” group in the “Alumim” group for agricultural training in son of Shemen, helped him to become a successful farmer. He moved to Ginosar, where he excelled in his devotion to working in the field, dreamed of transferring his parents to his kibbutz and also his brother (Haim, who also fell in the line of duty). He was called to help his parents in Tel Aviv, where he worked as a tractor operator in places close to Tel Aviv and as a gardener.
On March 17, 1948, Yitzhak and seven members of Beit Keshet went on a tour of the area and were attacked by an Arab tribe. The young men fought heroically until the end, and after three days of tedious negotiations, their bodies were returned, and Yitzhak was brought to eternal rest in the Beit Keshet cemetery, leaving behind his parents, two brothers, Chaim and Shmuel, and a sister, Rachel. Five weeks after Yitzchak’s death, Haim fell in the battle on Nebi Samuel.

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