Por-Sochar, Eva

Por-Sochar, Eva

Eva bas Alice and Moshe, was born on the 24 of Chesvan, November 12, 1952 in Alexandria, Egypt. In 1957 she immigrated to Israel with her family. Eva graduated with honors from elementar and high school. In October 1971, she was drafted into the IDF and in February 1972 she completed a course for female NCOs. In January 1980 Eva joined the ranks of the career army and served as a physiotherapist in the medical corps. where she advanced to the rank of Major. On the 7th of Kislev, November 24th, 1990, Eva fell while reaponding to a road accident. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon, leaving behind her husband, son, father and a sister. In a condolence visit to the parents’ home, an officer from the navy said, “You do not know me, but Eva knew me well. For more than a year, she had fought to prevent my legs from being amputated, despite the doctors’ decision. No obstacle discouraged her, and as a result I have my legs today!”

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