Plotkin, Jacob

Plotkin, Jacob

Son of Nissan. He was born in 1863 in Russia and lived in the town of Poltava, where he worked in commerce, contributed much of his time and money to public affairs, and worked for local charities, the Association for Equal Rights, Jewish Self-Defense and the Zionist Idea. And in 1907 immigrated to Eretz Israel with his two eldest sons, while his wife and three small children remained temporarily in Russia to complete various arrangements there. As a factor in the revival of the people, and his sons joined him as a worker First in Rehovot and then in Sejera (Ilaniya) in the Lower Galilee, where he worked as a laborer for the ICA. Jacob also took part in guarding and defense, and was among the first of the woodlands the land of Um Jabel. In the course of his work, he was also wounded several times by Arabs and for many days lay on his deathbed. In the meantime, he managed to bring his wife and other children to him and began to work with clerks who would allow him to set up an agricultural farm to work with his family. Wounded wounds. He died on the day of his death on the day of his death, and was buried in the old cemetery in Haifa, where he left a wife and five children and was immortalized in the Yizkor collection of the Hebrew workers in Eretz Israel and in the book, Yizkor “in Yiddish, published in the United States.

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